Chp:2 | How did i end up here

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[Hey guys I'm here another update I was pretty tired when I was writing this so fell free to correct any mistakes and give feedback:]

Where am I

*Panicked screaming*


Dream's POV:

I jolted up breathing heavily I had just woke up form the same nightmare I always have. Ever since I was put in this hell hole I've been having the same dream of my past.

Actually I'm not even sure anymore I've been here for so long I can barely remember anything the only thing helping me are the books I was given that allowed me to write the things I was forgetting but now I only had two left.

As I was about to lay back down on the rough obsidian floor until the sound of Sam's voice saying "Dream you have a visitor" froze me I immediately got up in fear hoping it wasn't who I thought it was but unfortunately it was.

"Quackity" I said in both fear and annoyance, "Missed me" he said with a twisted smile. "What do you want from me now" I said stepping back as he entered the room, "I think you have a good idea what I want" the lava behind him flowed back down.

"I'm not going to tell you" I said taking another step back as he walked closer to me, "I thought we already went over this, just tell me and your home free" he says walking even closer to me, I simply shaked my head while looking away from him. Stealing a single glance I saw he got both angry and irritated by my answer.

[A bit of Gore coming up you can skip this part if you'd like if you scroll up and see a line in bold saying 'Gore over' that is where the Gore ends]

3rd POV:

Quackity kicks Dream on the chest causing him fall on the ground hitting his head on the floor. Quackity then grabs his axe aiming it to the side of Dream's head cutting his left ear off.

Dream started screaming using he left hand to hold on to the left of his head where he's ear was supposed to be. He then placed his right hand on the floor as an attempt to be able to sit up only to be pushed back down by Quackity's leg.

Quackity then readied his axe, hitting the middle of two of Dream's hand, then dragging it down causing a large slit in between dreams fingers causing blood and fat in the hand to rapidly spill out, causing dream to scream even more.

Quackity then stepped on Dream's hand with the new cut he had made crushing the bones in his hand. At this point dream was crying and screaming for Quackity to stop which only annoyed Quackity even more.

"Shut the fuck up!" Quackity says stepping on dreams neck as hard as he could then slicing a part of his neck enough to cause it to bleed and strain but not killing him as an attempt to shut him up.

Dream then tried to scream once more but couldn't due to the strain and injuries on his neck.

Gore over:) [I tried but I'm not really good making detailed Gore:/]

3rd POV:

As a few hours pass by at this point Quackity has injured Dream enough to satisfy himself but as he was about to call sam to let him leave he first told Dream

"Oh by the way Sam told me to tell you that he won't be here for a few months so I recomend you ration what ever food you have left so you don't starve, not that I care"

And with that he left.

Dream was now alone in his cell laying on the floor in a corner of his cell curled up in a ball now bloodied up his body filled with injuries allover, he could no longer move he had gotten used to Quackity's torture by now but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

After a bit be was able to muster up the energy to crawl over to the chest in the other side of the cell to get the bandage Sam gave him.

He then sat up resting his back on the chest then slowly wrapping up his major injuries with the bandages he had.

After a while he managed to wrap his neck, torso, legs, arms and what was left of his right hand, would have been easier if he could use his right hand again but that unfortunately wasn't the case.

Dream was getting tired of this he wanted to get out but how could he? Will he just die here? Or would someone save him? Would ¿Tecno? save him?


[Ok very important question do you want Tecno to save dream or dream die (resulting in a ghost dream AU) or do you want both (resulting in a bit of angst)]

Instagram: Ali_liya

836 words

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