Chp:4 | The break out

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[This video is practically just Techno's POV of the last chapter :]


Techno's POV:

"Hey Techno hurry their comming!" Phil shouted taking out his sword and looking a the mob of guards running towards them.

"I will can you hold them off for a bit I'll go get him!" Techno shouted back at Phil so he could hear him.

Techno then started running to the control panel that opens the door which lead to Dream's cell, stopping when he got there ofcourse having to fight and pass by a few guards on the way.

Techno's POV:

When I got to the control panel I immediately typed in the password since more guards were coming in.

I knew the password since I was able to observe how sam operated parts of the prison during the time that I visited.

When the door finally opened I ran straight through the hallways taking the necessary turns to get to Dream, avoiding the guards and traps on the way.

Reaching my destination I pulled the lever that would activate the bridge to Dream's cell also hitting the button that would open it.

Before crossing the bridge I jammed the lever so no one could be able to trap us in when I got to the cell. I saw dream laying on the floor shaking slightly, probably because of the temperature in here.

I worriedly ran over to him kneeling down next to him observing the state he was in, he seemed to be sleeping..

He looked terrible he had alot of bruises and both large and small cuts all over his body. He was also covered in overused bandages and wore a torn up and dirty orange prison jumper.

I carried him in my bands and started running across the bridge, while running I realized he woke up a bit but fell back asleep a few seconds after.

Not wanting that to happen again I propped him up to the wall of the hallway raping my robe around him so he would be more comfortable. This also allowed me to be able fight the guards and get us out of here much easier.

3rd POV:

"That should be the last of them" Phil said looking at Techno who had just sat dream up so he could carry him more easier. "Hmm" Techno hummed in response shifting Dream around in his hands so he could feel / sleep more comfortably.

"Hey if you don't mind me asking why did you want come save him in the first place?" Phil said looking at Techno making Tecno stop what he was doing for a moment.

"...I already told you I owe him this, now let's start going" Techno said walking past Phil, "Right" Phil said remembering what Techno said before the started while following behind

"I will save him even if it's the last thing I do, I owe him this"

~Time skip~

They had just got to Techno's house upond entering Tecno sat dream down on one of his couches, opening a nearby chest grabbing a few bandages, some healing positions, E.C.T.

Techno then walked over to dream kneeling down in front of him and started to carefully take care of the injuries on Dream's leg, taking off and throwing away the used bandages around his legs.

"..." Phil looked at Techno a bit intrigued by the amount of care and attention his giving to dream, even going as far as to take off his robe for him and using his limited supplies on him.

Phil was about to say something but dicided against it and just told Tecno "ok I should get going now see you later" causing Techno to hummed in response eyes not straying away from dream, Phil then left the house flying away leaving Techno to tend to dream.

A few minutes later Techno was able to clean up most of Dream's injuries, he wanted to wait till Dream was awake so he could take a bath, tend to rest of his injuries and change out of his clothes so he decided to place him on his bed and check up on him every 30 minutes.


[Ok The End this took a while to make but I did it, also while editing this I dicided that I'll be posting every 2-3 days prior my last update (unless something happens).
Anyways Bai¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!]

Instagram: Ali_liya

Future author here I got rid of ranboo helping because I want him to meet dream later on.

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