Chp:6 | "Sure Ranboo"

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Phil's POV:

"Hey Phil what are you doing" Ranboo said walking up to me as I was pickingout things from my chest. "Oh how you doing mate just packing up for a mining trip" I replied, I mean I was actually going to visit Techno to see how he and Dream are holding up but was also planning on taking a little detour to a cave on my way, so I was still kinda telling the truth.

"Oh do you mind if I come with then, I'm kinda running low on supplies.." He said scratching the back of his head while looking away slightly embarrassed.

"...umm well you see I was..uh.", there's no way Techno wouldlet me bring him 'shit what do I say, maybe business or something? ..hmm That's it! I could just tell him I have a business trip so he can't come along' I thought as I stood up straight now facing him I bit nerves.

"Ah sorry mate also gonna go on a little detour for business ya know wouldn't want to get you all wrapped up in that" I said laughing nervously but Ranboo didn't seem to budge.

"Oh that's ok I don't mind it'll still be fun I also get some more resources and ore so will you so it'll mostly be a win win" he said with a wide and genuine smile on his face.

'Gosh I can't say no to that' *sigh* "Fine fine you can come" I said to him sighing in defeat. "Gahh! Thank you soo much! This will be so much fun"


[And that's all yes I know it was short but considering that I haven't post for like weeks I think something is better than nothing. ]

Sneak peek of what's coming next (AkA a way to keep track of what I'm supposed to write for the next chapter):


While Packing.

"Uh why do you have so much stuff for the cold if your going mining" Ranboo says looking at Phil confused.

Phil looks to the side not knowing what to say, "um well I was actually planning on going to the snow biome after going mining to visit an old friend" he says deciding to just be honest.

"Oh who are you visiting" Ranboo asked, "I'm not sure if I'm..." Phil slowed his speaking looking out the window "we should get going its getting late" Phil said changing the subject as he gets ready to leave "oh right coming" Ranboo stated as he hurriedly packs his stuff up and rushing after Phil.

On their way out Phil sends a crow to tell Techno his coming but has to take longer than expected


That's it Goodbye now.

I would add a meme but I can't find any so hears a random picture I have of Toga :^

I would add a meme but I can't find any so hears a random picture I have of Toga :^

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Instagram: Ali_liya

471 words

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