Part 7

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"🆈🅴🆂, anyway. Estella, Aries. This is Cinna, District 12's designer." Estella shook hands with Cinna, the man gave off the same vibe Poppy did to her when they first encountered. "And over here are the tributes, Katniss and Peete." Her eyes then moved to the tributes. Katniss had a stone facial expression, although Estella knew she was putting a wall between them. Aries, however, holds eye contact with Peete who having a hard time doing the same. A grin still beholding the towering male. Aries was an intimidating person even with a smile on.

"I can see why you two are the attention to everyone's liking." Both Estella and Aries moved their eyes back at Cinna who spoke up, both had a questioning look as they didn't know the rumors floating around them much, but as Estella thought, it must be with the way they reacted to being chosen.

"I don't know if that's a good thing or bad." "Please. I'm taking it in a good way."

There were clear contrasts between the two, they noticed. Not only in gender and physical figure but in tone and personality. Estella seems more shy and nervous. Yet she holds herself strong, as someone who plans her future and action reasonably. Aries seems more blunt and ready to throw hands, an open book with anger and ego, especially seeing the lack of dread radiating from his body language.

They complement each other, as long as they don't clash. There's no doubt these two could win the hunger game easily, due to that Peete and Katniss had put their guard up more despite their harmless dementor, not so much from Aries.

"You should get ready. You two too." Poppy is the first to wave goodbye, dragging Aries and Estella with her back to their chariot. They both still sensed the suspicious look from Katniss and Peete. But, for now, refused to do anything.

Poppy huddles them together to explain her design, "Now, when you have been set out there. Aries, you are in charge of pressing this button. It would lead out a trail of gold behind your chariot. It goes well with your theme! What do you think?!" Poppy clapped happily, satisfied with her design as she took one more look wholly for any flaw. The pair didn't say much just agreeing with the excited adult.

Returning the animal skin, Aries helps Estella up the chariot.

Chariot after chariot vanished into the bright light, about the time it would be there. Poppy stood beside the vehicle, having a nervous look at her tribute than the other tributes themselves.

"What do you think about this?" Estelle whispers between them, glancing at Poppy who has yet to notice their hushed discussion. Aries had strict eyes up ahead, his jaunty character had gone, "To get this hell over with so that I can go back taunting Iphigenia."

"You're going to make her cry," she mutters the fact, also warning as she did pity their mentor for countlessly having to take his bluntness. "That's the point, love." Aries stares down at her, hiding his irate emotions at this game in which they got involved. Instead, quartering up a positive attitude. "Let's enjoy it. While we still can." Those words hinder her with a sensation ready for death, accepting that this would be the last few days on earth.

Estella didn't respond as Poppy had spoken up, cutting their conversation after she made an 'SSSSST' sound at the horses up front. They begin to trot and move. "Heads high! Smiles! They're going to love you! Oh, and hold hands!" Poppy didn't have to say the last part, Aries and Estella were already holding hands, and it was their way of encouraging each other silently.

A wide boulevard, filled with chariots bearing the topmost districts from 1 until 4 while the remainder followed behind them moderately. Gliding ahead of them gracefully, thanks to Poppy's creative design and gold trailing behind them, they easily caught the crowd's attention.

Particularly as their district holds the headlines of being spoiled and the top 5 wealthiest districts. They dazzled in the crowd's eyes as they cheered vehemently for them. They both put up a high face, not arrogance or narcissism, but one that confirms they aren't ones to fall easily which everyone loves.

Aries looks up in the crowd, spotting Dennis and Iphigenia beaming proudly at them as they too applaud and encourage them. Estella glances to her left, where a giant TV screen that looks like a flag gives her an oversized look at herself and Aries, their beauty and match itself can outshine the golds. A gasp escapes her lips. "Is that me?"

The crowd blows kisses, calling out her name now, Aries smirks leaning down, his lips grazing to whisper in her ears, "I guess now you would believe me if I say you are the most beautiful girl here." The crowd's screech loudens at their interaction but Estella wasn't focused on that but on Aries, as his blue eyes captivated her to lock with his.

It gives her many odd feelings, but she just going to look at 'hope', that they could win this.

A citizen throws them a red rose which Aries catches effortlessly before presenting it to Estella who happily takes it: Wow. She looks down, noticing now that she is still squeezing Aries's hand, glad that she wasn't in this alone.

Their chariot slopes them, gathering with the other districts in their chariot as the President of Panem stands up, silencing the crowds. Aries didn't bring any attention to the man; he even dared to roll his eyes which Estella caught and hit his ribs. It didn't hurt, but he took it as a sign that he could play with her.

With his free hand that wasn't intertwined, he fiddled with her lengthy hair, having his focus only on the girl as the President spoke, "May the odds forever be in your favor."


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