7. Bacon And Eggs

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His brown hair flopped in the wind like a dead fish. Mine was circling my head like a tornado.

"Daniel, please close the windows or at least slow down. You're messing up my hair. " I pouted. He smirked as he stepped on the gas, going even faster. He'd just picked me up from tennis practice and we were in out way home.
" What? Can't handle a little air, Bonana? " I hated when he called me that. I slumped down in my chair, covering my head with my hands.

" Dan! Come on this isn't funny! I look like a rag doll. " Finally giving in, Daniel rolled up the windows reluctantly.

" Fine. Happy? Now stop whining and sit up. Your back will get stuck like that. "He said sternly. God, he was really starting to sound like mom. I sat up and started fiddling with the knobs on the radio. After a few seconds, MCR was blaring through the speaker system.

" I love this song! " I tried yelling over the music. Daniel just rolled his eyes as Gerard Way screamed at us.

I woke up to a violent shake. Fluttering my eyes, a dark silhouette of Calum came into view.

" Hey. Hey Ana. It's time to wake up now. It's 6:23. It's time to get up. " he whispered. I sat up on one elbow and surveyed my surroundings. Apparently, I had fallen asleep playing Fifa with Michael and Calum in the TV room. Michael was still passed out on the couch across from me. Around his head laid a few strands of purple hair. Obviously being his. His hair is gonna all fall out one day.

"I'm about to make some breakfast. Everyone else is still sleeping. I was wondering if you'd like to help me? " Calum asked sweetly.

" Sure, why not? " I gave him a quick smile." Just let me get dressed first. "
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Everyone else was still asleep although it was now 7:12. Ashton was curled up in his bunk, clutching onto his blankets for dear life. Luke looked like he was dead, sprawled out on his bed. . Hopefully he is. I thought as I passed by him. Calum was in the small kitchen area flipping through the cabinets, looking for something.

"You need any help there, Calum? " I asked him as he slammed the refrigerator door.

" No thanks. Just sit down and enjoy yourself." he smiled.

"But I thought you wanted me to help you. " I said as I took at seat at the booth.

" Nah, I just didn't want to be the only one awake. " He said, turning back to cabinets. Wow, really? I could be sleeping right now. Taking out my phone, I went and twitter and posted,

Early morning start

I don't know why I even posted that. Only having 16 followers, I'm sure no one's gonna see this or care.

Finally, around 7:30, everyone else slowly started waking up. First was Ashton. He walked in the with his hair going in all different directions.

"Morni'n, folks. Yall ready for tonight? " He said in the thickest southern accent known to man. He took a seat across from me at the booth, next to the window.

" Oh that's right. Today's your first concert. That's sounds... interesting. " I had actually never even listed to their music before. Hearing them live would be... weird. " And nice glasses by the way. " I added. Ashton was wearing black Ray Banes with a batman tee shirt.

" Pie r squared. " He giggled as he pushed up his glasses by the bridge of his nose. I guess that's he way of saying thank you.

" Ugh, you actually made it through the night. " Luke rolled his eyes as he walked in. I threw him a glare.

" Aww, and you actually survived your birth. " I shot back.

"Guys, guys. Come on. It's too early in the morning for this. Can I at least enjoy my breakfast first?" Calum said. "Speaking of, here Ana. I fixed you a plate." A plate of bacon and eggs was placed before me.

"Oh my god Calum, you're the best. " I said as I grabbed a fork and dug in.

" Oh I know. " Calum sassed. " Let me just grab my plate and-" Calum stopped mid sentence as Michael walked in and slipped into the empty seat next to me.

"Ummmmmm... What are you doing? " Calum asked.

" Sitting. What does it look like? " Michael snapped.

" But that was my seat! " Calum whined.

" You snooze, you lose. "Michael said as he winked at me. " Morning."

"Huh, oh, good morning. " I said with my mouth full of bacon. Michael just looked at me with a small grinn on his lips as he turned to face the other boys. Calum reluctantly sat down at the mini table across from us and pouted as he stared at Michael and I.

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Once we arrived to the arena, there were a gazillion fans waiting by the bus terminal. Oh my god. I hate crowds!

"Alright guys, let's do this. "Michael said as he pulled on his backpack. We were all lined up by the front of the bus, waiting to get off.
As Ashton stepped off the bus, the girls went wild. When I say wild, I mean WILD! They were screaming and throwing stuff at him as he waved. Ashton stopped right in front of the door, blocking the rest of us from exiting. He threw open his arms and yelled,

"Daddy has arrived! " That was it. I don't know how it was possible, but the girl's screams got even louder and higher. Ashton was just standing there giggling like a maniac as the girls were practically dying.

After shoving Ashton to the side, Luke was able to get off the bus and wave to the fans. He was smiling like an idiot when they started screaming.

"I don't want to get off. I hate crowds. " I mumbled under my breath.

" That's OK. I'll be right here next to you. " Calum whispered in my ear as he grabbed hold of my hand.

" Um, that's OK, but thanks. " I said nervously as I pulled my hand away. To get off the bus, I had to push Luke out of the way. Which I did gladly.

" Hey don't push me! " Luke said through his teeth, still smiling. I pushed him again, just for the sake of it and finally stepped off the bus.
Everyone and everything went dead silent. All of the fans were just looking at me, as if I was Medusa or something. I waved sheepishly.

"Luke, are you guys together?! " a girl yelled, breaking the silence. Luke and I looked at each other with wide eyes and disgusted faces.

" NOOOO! " We screamed in unison as we ran in opposite directions.

Hey guys. Sorry about this chapter . I know it's horrible. I legit hate it. But something is better than nothing. Anyways, happy Throw Back Thursday! And belated Hump Day. (not like that you guys, gross.)
Stay fluffy!!!!

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