9. Pikachu Onsies

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Some days had passed and they toured all around down south.  Finally,  after years of screaming girls and and Luke's nastiness,  we had a day off. It was finally Friday. Thank you Lord!
Getting up from my bank,   I made my way over to the bathroom, tripping over a sleeping Ashton on the way. I washed my face and put on a pair of black skinny jeans with a black blouse. Walking out, I slipped on my black Vans and headed towards the Kitchen. I dressed in all  black. It was just one of those days.

"Hey. "I felt arms slip around my waist and a face nuzzle into my neck." You ready for today? " A sleepy Calum asked.
" Ready for what? "I cocked my head up to get a better look at him. His hair was all messy and he had dark circles under his eyes." And why do you look like that? " I asked, turning around in his arms and hugging his lean torso.

"Cause,"  he replied, "That addict Michael kept me up all night with his stupid games."  He said, resting his head on top of mine.

Michael walked in yawning,  wearing a pikachu onesie. "That's not what you said when you were screaming at the CPU's." His hair was fluffy and his cheeks were a soft pink. He looked kinda cute like that. I mean he looked...  stupid like that. Pshhhhh. Like,  like who wears onesies? Hahaha. Haha. Ha..... 

"Oooooohhh, " Michael teased,  "Getting intimate on the bus. Like come on you guys,  it's only been a few days. Maybe you should get to know each other a bit more before you  start having s-"

"Finish that sentence  and I'll kick where the sun don't shine. " Luke's face was red as he walked in clenching his fists.

Calum and I both just rolled our eyes as we released each other and sat down at the booth.
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" So are you ready for today? Remember, we were supposed to go on a date tonight?" Calum tousled my hair able sat down across from me.

"I legit thought you were joking about that. " I replied with a mouthful of pancakes. " But sure,  I'll still go with you."

"You better not go anywhere with him. I refuse for you two to date.  Nevertheless go somewhere alone! " Luke yelled. He seemed to be in a hissy fit again.

Calum couldn't help but laugh at that." Dude calm down. I'm just taking her out cause I promised. And besides,  I see her nothing more than  a sister. " he laughed.
I don't know why, but that kinda hurt. Just a little bit. But thats OK cause I see him the exact same way. I think.

" So,  I was thinking we can go to the amusement park. It's just off the highway. " Calum continued. " I hope you love tall roller-coasters."

"I hate them! " I groaned.

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Arriving at the park,  Calum couldn't contain his excitement, jumping for joy. Like literally hopping 2 feet in the air,  jumping for joy. You had to see it to believe it. He was also wearing his black Nirvana tee shirt,  with black jeans and black Vans. Matching goals.

" Come on Ana,  come on. I don't want to wait on line forever." Calum whined as he dragged me to the ticket booth. "2 please." He said sweetly to the guy behind the ticket booth.

Running to the first ride we saw,  my hands started getting sweaty and I had to go the bathroom. Badly. I don't know what it is, but whenever I get nervous, I all of a sudden have to use the bathroom really badly. It's annoying,  especially at times like these.
As we neared the front,  Calum noticed I was in bad shape and pulled me into a tight bear hug.
"Hey,  it's gonna be okay. I'll be right here with you, " he whispered in my ear." If you want,  we can get on a different ride. You don't have to do this."

I shifted slightly in his hug so that we would both be comfortable.  "No it's fine. You wanted to get on this,  so we will." I said. I didn't want to ruin this for him. Especially since he was all excited about it and everything.
As the lady strapped us down on the ride, I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer:
Dear Lord  don't let me die on this thing. Please. I'll do anything. I promise to wash the dishes for the rest of  my life if that's what it takes.  Please, please don't let me d-
I felt a soft hand place it's self on top of mine.  "Don't worry,  I got you." Calum eyes were widened to the extent where his brown eyes matched those of a teddy bear. That's physically impossible. "I got you.  Don't worry, I got-" 
The ride took off,  knocking the wind out of us.

We stumbled off the ride,  dizzy and laughing like maniacs. Calum hair was standing up on end and mine was swirled all around my head
"See, I told you everything be would be okay." Calum laughed as he skipped ahead of me.
"Yeah,  yeah. Whatever. " I rolled my eyes and tried to catch up with him. He was up ahead a few spaces for a while as I chased him through the park." Calum! Stop! I can't run anymore!" I yelled to him. Calum quickly ducked into a crowd of people and disappeared with the masses.
"Calum? Calum?! " Freaking out,  I started running  around the entire park,  looking for him. I can't believe this child just ditched me like that!
Making a sharp turn, I ran into a man holding fries and a drink in his hands,  causing  us both to fall back.  Let's just say that they ended up all over the both of us,  but most of it hit the floor.

"Oh,  Sir,  I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too. Let me help you with that. " I stuttered,  scrambling up and cleaning  myself off.

" Watch where you're going next time, thot!" The man yelled as he got up off the floor.

"Hey,  don't talk to her that way!" A voice screamed from behind me. Calum walked over and put his arm around my shoulder as he yelled at the guy.

"Whatever man.  Just watch your whore next time." The guy yelled back as he stormed off.

"I told you to watch your mouth!! " Calum yelled back after him. He turned around and put his hands on my shoulders." Are you ok? "
" Yeah I'm fine." I said, brushing myself off.
"Are you sure? " He asked. We'd started walking again,  heading  towards the bathrooms.
" Yes,  I'm sure. " I replied. Calum quickly stopped and turned around so that we were face to face
"And I wasn't lying before when I said that I'd be there for you. " He whispered. His brown eyes stared deeply into mine, as he slowly leaned in.

Guys,  I'm so sorry. I wasn't planning on updating this late but a lot of things came up. But no excuses!! It was my fault. Anyways,  here you go. Don't really have much to say today. But have you guys heard of the song Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap? It's old-ish, but it's really good. Got my friend addicted to it. You guys probably know it though.
Anywhos, that's about it.  Oh,  one more thing,  WE REACHED 1K!!!!! 1 FREAKING K!!!!  Thank you so much,  My bunnies. Especially to Piffy_Horan_00 and felixlecoadic for always commenting and voting.  And a very special thank you to nerdsRawesome.You're the bestest.
Stay fluffy!

P. s. I felt like I was giving an award acceptance speech.  Speaking  of, MARCH 28TH!!!!

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