12. Brothers

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A streaming plate of spaghetti was placed in front of me,  as we a took our seats at the table. Abby's soft face was flushed,  wet with tears. She hated being woken up from naps, but who could blame her?   She clutched onto her stuffed penguin, Pengi , for dear life as she took her seat next to mom. Daniel sat at the head of the table,  with me on his left,  and mom and Abby to his right. He looked at me,  skeptical, checking to see if I was still ignoring him. Which I was, by the way.

" So Ana, how was your day at school?"  Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow. This heifer. He knows exactly how it went."Oh fine.  Fine. You know.  Nothing new. " I tried playing it off.

" Oh really? What happened in your Globals class today? " He said,  putting his fork down. His hands were now curled up by his mouth, something he does when he's in Father mode. Mom was occupied, attending to the crying Abby, barely listening to our conversation. Moving forward,  Daniel snapped his fingers in my face,  loud enough to catch both mom's and I attention.

" You were saying something about your class. What was it? "  Daniel persisted. He can be a real....  sometimes.

"There,  uh,  was, um,  an accident today. " I rambled.

" Really? Wow. What happened? " Mom asked, finally giving our conversation her full attention now. Of course.

" Uh,  nothing. Just some kids got in a fight. No big deal. " I said shoving a fork full of spaghetti in my mouth. Maybe if my mouth was full,  they'd stop pestering, I thought while stuffing in bread along with another fork full of spaghetti.

"Piggy !"  Abby screeched,  jumping in her chair with laughter as she pointed at me. Her face lit up, as she finally let Pengi breath.

"Ana,  you were saying? What happened with the two girls? "  Daniel was pissed off now,  getting impatient at my oblivious state.

" Who said anything about two girls? " I dodged his question.

" Ana got in a fight today and was sent to the principals office. " Daniel said,  giving up on me spilling. Mom's eyes widened as she slammed down her fork.
" Analisia? " Mom said with disbelief. " What's gotten into you lately? You've been acting out, skipping class, and now getting into fights?! " Now she was yelling. Abby whimpered in her seat,  as she watched the unfolding scene.

"Yeah, well it's not my fault I've never had an authoritative figure in my life to help me." I screamed. " You can thank yourself for that!"  In a matter of seconds,  I was on the floor, clutching my face in pain. Daniel stood over me, with the devil in his eyes  and his hand red from the sudden contact. I had never seen him like this before. Ever. Abby watched in horror,  tears streaming down her rosey cheeks,  as she stuffed her face in her penguin.

That was the first time Daniel had ever hit me. That was the first time he ever acted like a father. It was also the last.


Dont ask me how,  but I ended being stuck on the tour bus. Alone. With Luke. And let me tell you,  things were not going well.  Not well at all.  Not only did we get stuck because of that retard, but he left his phone at the venue. Smart much? Needless to say,  I lost my phone. But thats besides the point. We were stuck with absolutely no way of getting help. Thank you God,  this is exactly what I needed to today.

At least Luke and I were at opposite ends of the bus,  deaf to each other by the use of headphones. Being in the TV room,  I made  sure the glass door was sealed, as I cuddled with Michaels green blanket on the couch. It smelled of him, like pepperoni and socks. Gross. But it was still comfortable, due to the fact that I was slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Hey," Luke said, yanking the headphones from my ears. "I wanted to talk to you." He took a seat at the couch across from me, leaning in to "talk".

"Um, yeah. No thanks."  I got up and headed towards the kitchen, grabbing Michaels blanket on my way out. Guess I'm sleeping on the kitchen floor then. A hand grabbed my arm,  forcing me back into TV room.

"Listen, Ana. Just listen. Okay?" Luke sighed,  placing a hand on the back of his neck. Rolling my eyes,  I gave in, taking the empty seat next to him.
"Ok. I don't like this. What we're doing. The constant fighting and arguing. It's effecting the rest of the band now,  and I will not lose them just because of you. Especially because of you. " He stated.

"You see,  it's because of stuff like that that makes me hate you." I spat. "And how is it affecting everyone else?"
Lukes neck tensed, causing a vain to show. "Oh you know how." He whispered.

"Are you talking about the leg thing with Michael? " I asked,  smiling at his reaction. " Or was it the kissing thing with Calum? " I was having way too much fun with this.  " It must have been the butt thing with Ashton,  right? I knew it." I giggled,  trying to keep a straight face.

"Yes, it was all of those things. I don't like the way they-... Wait.  What happened with Ashton? "Luke jumped up from the couch, his face turning dark red.

" You mean you don't know? " I joked." How he forced me to... forget it."
"What happened with Ashton?" Luke screamed. "Ana! ANA! " He screamed after me as I walked out, leaving a bewildered Luke.

Good. My sister's life is spared. Here you go,  fluffs. Hope you have fantastic Friday night. Don't party too hard, k? Are you excited for tomorrow?! KCA! KCA! KCA! KCA! KCA! KCAAAAAAAA!
Stay fluffy!

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