15. Iron Maiden

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I kissed Michael. I kissed Michael. I FREAKING KISSED MICHAEL CLIFFORD! Okay. Okay. This is fine. We can work through this. But wait, why did he storm off? It couldn't be because... No, no. No! It's not. It's fine. But really... What if he... I honestly don't even know why this is hitting me now. The kissing thing happened like 2 days ago. I've noticed that this type of thing has always been a problem with me. Whenever something happened, like something really big, I wouldn't feel anything at first. But then, after like a day or two, then I'd start to feel some emotion. It's like my body has to process whats happened, then it tells my brain to respond. It's weird.

Anyways, we finally reached Dallas, and the sun was broiling! It was only 7 am and I already needed to take another shower. I mean, we have sun down in LA, but it was never this bad. The bus was parked right outside the backstage entrance to the arena. And already, fans were lined up around the bus, blocking us in.

I rolled off the couch, hitting the floor with a thud. Ouch. My hair was like a rats nest and drool was all over my face. Gross. I was in the TV room, isolated from everyone and the boys, especially Michael. I grabbed the green blanket off the floor, wrapping my half naked body. I'm not ashamed to say I go half Comando while I sleep. It's not like I got anything to hide anyways. I mean, I had pants on and everything. Just nothing on top.

I was by myself, so really what was the need of a blanket? Everyone else had already gone into the arena for sound check. I was now just waiting for Dave to come back so I could get through the crowd.

Dropping the blanket, I opened the glass door and headed towards the bathroom to start my morning routine.
Stepping out the bathroom, I ran into a wide eyed Michael putting on a plaid green shirt. He stood there, frozen, with one arm in shirt and his head sticking out through the shirt collar. How did I not see him on my way to the bathroom?!

"Oh god! Oh my god! Woah. Um OK.. " Michaels eyes quickly squeezed shut as his cheeks glowed a blood red.

" Oh god! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. " I squealed, throwing the entire blanket over my body." I thought I was the only one here. " I whispered to the floor, afraid to look in his piercing green eyes.

" Yeah, me too. Um, Dave said that he'd be back to help us get through the crowd." He said over his shoulder, as he walked towards the booth. "So just sit tight for now, I guess." He shoved the rest of his torso through the shirt as he took a seat.

I slipped back into TV room, putting on the closest shirt in my grasp. As for my hair, I struggled brushing it out and gave up half way. I just had to leave it out. Not trying to impress anyone. I pulled on this Iron Maiden shirt and headed back to kitchen.

" That's my shirt. " Michael said flatly, I slipped into the seat across from him.

" Oh um, sorry. " I half smile, tucking a bit of my hair behind my ear.

" Take it off. " His stare was locked on me, and the sweetness that once danced in his eyes, was now gone. " I said take it off. Now. "

" I don't understand why you're being so rude. " I spat, standing from my seat.

" Yeah well, at least I'm not rude enough to use someone for some sick practical joke." Michaels voice was sick and twisted. It reminded me so much of Luke.

"Michael, I- " I started.

" You know what? No. Forget it. But I'm done playing these games with you. I'm done helping you 'get ' back at Luke, " he hissed. " Honestly Ana, I'm done with you. "

" Oh my god, " I rolled my eyes. " Stop overreacting. "

He shot up from his seat, his eyes huge and wild. " Overreacting? OVERREACTING?! " His body towered over mine as he leaned in. " I'll tell you what's overreacting. That's pretending that nothing has changed between two people after one of them shoves their tongue down the others throat. That's overreacting. " He yelled.

The door to the bus flew open, and an oversized Dave squeezed in. " Umm... I'm not interrupting something? Am I? " His eyes flickered back between the both of us, clearly confused.

"No, no. Everything's fine. Ready to go? " Michael sat back down, rubbing his temples.

"Yeah. Sound check starts soon, so we need to get you in." Dave said, picking up an apple off the counter. "There's a lot of girls out there, so we need to hurry before they call back more friends." He closely examined the apple, placing it back down after spotting a brown dent.

"Alright. I'm ready. Let's go now, please. " Michael said softly. He stood up, straightening his shirt and jeans. He started towards the door, quickly followed by Dave.

" Wait! What about me? "I squeaked. " You can't just leave me alone with the crowd. " I ran up after Dave.

" Why don't you make out with one of them? I'm sure they'll enjoy that." Michael spat, walking off the bus and into the stream of fans.

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