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Saturn Atlas had walked down the stairs from the private jet, holding her son on her arm and her daughter by her hand. Her dark eyes scan the area until they settle on a figure in the shadows, leaning on the handle of an umbrella, the subtle glow of the cigarette he was smoking giving him away. "Mycroft Holmes. The true royal of the United Kingdom.", she says with a smile and he saunters towards them, stomping out his cigarette. "Saturn Atlas... Mastermind of Medicine.", he says, looking at her children. "And these are your children then. Janus and Cassiopeia." "Indeed." Cassiopeia looks at her mother for reassurance, while Janus had long fallen asleep. "My little angel, this is Mycroft Holmes. He's mommys great friend.. kind of like uncle Will..", she explains and Cassiopeia nods, relaxing in the mans presence. "Uncle Mike!", she decides and the man blinks. "Mycroft.." "That's so long and hard to say.", the girl pouts. He hums softly, when he notices her stretching out her arms for him. Saturn watches with amusement as he awkwardly picks her up, unable to resist her daughters charm. "Let us leave. I have prepared everything. Even the name changes." Saturn nods and they exit the airport, riding a limousine to a rather beautiful, modern, yet small house in London. All catered exactly to Saturns Style. Even her herbs and everything had been brought over and decorated the place already. "Thank you, Mycroft." "Well.. you know our deal, my dear friend. I do this for you and you will lead our medical industry to absolute greatness." She smiles. "I will. That was our deal after all...", she smiles. He nods, placing down her daughter. "I'll have guards around you always. You won't notice them but they'll be there. Not to worry. You'll be safe with me." "I never doubted that. I've always trusted you, Mycroft. That won't change now.", she huffs, rolling her eyes. He cracks a smile. "I'll see you soon." "Take care of yourself.", Saturn hums softly and he nods, in a rare moment of tenderness returning the words. "You too."
With that he is gone.
"Let mommy cook you something nice.", Saturn says gently to her daughter who nods. "Will uncle Mike come back soon? He's weird. I like him." Saturn laughs softly. "He will. I am sure. Its not going to take him too long to come back.", she says, placing Janus into a highchair for babies and Cassiopeia in a heightened chair for children to reach the table comfortably. "What would my little star like to eat?" "I want pasta with veggie sauce!" Saturn smiles at her daughter. "Then that's what I'll make you.", she says with all the love a mother can give, beginning the chopping process, but not without making her daughter a little sippy cup of tea.
Janus has woken up, just in time for his food and she cools it down for him, cutting the pasta down so he doesn't choke, feeding the little boy while Cassiopeia digs in all on her own, thanking her mother for the food before sliding out of her seat. "Mommy? I'm tired." "Let's find the bathroom and your bedroom then. Your brother is finished as well anyways.", Cassiopeia smiles, wiping her sons face, before picking him up, taking her daughters hand with her free one, guiding her away. The rooms are quickly found and she helps her daughter brush her teeth, doing the same for Janus. He has fallen asleep from being so stuffed in minutes and Cassiopeia she too gets to sleep rather quickly by brushing her hair and singing softly to her until she has fallen into deep slumber.

Walking downstairs into the kitchen she clears her throat and takes a deep breath before finishing her own food, loading the dishwasher and cleaning the kitchen before walking back to the bathroom, brushing her own teeth, showering, changing, finally dropping into her own bed. Being a single parent would be hard. But she would manage.. There was always still Mycroft. She chuckles at the thought of making the notoriously bad at human contact man babysit her children and the dread on his face at the idea. Snuggling into the pillows she finds herself slumbering away. Soon she would be free. Finally free.

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