Drown In It (ProdigyxPrinceton)

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Prodigy POV:

I was dancing around the kitchen listening to Drown In It by Chris Brown. Thas my shit. I was making lasagna for my boyfriend, Princeton. He was getting off work late today.

"I wanna drown in it, drown in it (Yeah, baby)

Drown in it, drown in it (Just take me under)

Drown in it, drown in it (Under your waters, girl)

Drown in it, drown in it

I won't ever come up, oh

I sung as I grinded to the beat. I popped my ass to the beat. I was caught up in the song that I didn't notice Prince come in the house and wrap his arms around my waist. We swayed to the beat as I took the lasagna out the oven. He kissed on my neck, making me moan. I leaned my head on his shoulder and grinded against his dick. He found my spot and I moaned out loud. I spun around and wrapped my hands around his neck with my legs around his waist. He walked us over to the counter and continued to kiss my neck. He laid us on our long countertop. I was on my back while he grinded on me. I was a moaning mess. He continued to kiss my neck as he unbuttoned the long white shirt that I had on. He took one of my breast into his mouth and sucked on it while he pinched the nipple on the other one. I arched my back pushing it into his mouth. He went down and played with the string on my g string. He pulled the string a side then kissed down my body to my pussy. I looked down at him as he looks up at me. He lowers his mouth to my cat still looking me in the eye and gives it a few kitty licks before diveing in. He sucked on my clit then twirled his tounge around it. While he sucked, I felt two fingers plunge into my wetness. I moaned out loud and I'm pretty sure the neighbors heard me. He spelled his name out in it then began humming to the song, sending vibrations that mad me wetter. He was down there for a good 20 minutes eating like it was his last meal. It felt so good. I was squirming all over the counter. My legs started shaking and I was so close to cumming. He gripped my legs and rolled us over so I was sitting on his face.

"High heels and your red lips

It's Fahrenheit in here

And I can see a million ways

For me to surfboard between your waves

Baby going up down, all around

Drip drop, don't stop

No umbrella

Playing in your brain, shut it off

Splashing in your deep end

Hydrate me

Oh baby, come sit down right on my face"

I rocked my hips to the beat while Princeton worked his tounge in circle. He was do all kinds of this. He sucked my ass making me squeal. He started pumping his tounge in and out again at a faster pace. I began bouncing on his face. I moaned really loud, pushing his face farther into my wetness as I reached my breaking point. My vision flashed white as I felt myself cumming in his mouth. I rocked back and forth coming down from my high. I scooted off his face and looked down at his mouth. I took my shirt and wiped my juices off his face. I smiled as I looked down at him.

"What was that for?"

"I just decided it was time for me ta drown in it, ya know?"

"Well then. Let's eat."

I went to get some plates when I was unexpectedly picked up.

"What the hell Princeton?!"

"You said let's eat. So that's what I'm doing."

"I meant the lasagna!"

"Well that's not what I meant."


It's spring break and I ain't did nothin fun. Yay for me. -.- Note the sarcasm.

Inspired by: Drown In It by Chris Brown ft. R. Kelly





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