Mr.Steal Your Girl(PrincetonxTrey SongzxChris Brown)

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Here's another one.
Trey Songz-30
Chris Brown-29
Chris's POV:

"Babe! Im goin ta chill with August!"

"Okay! See you later! Love you!" Prince yelled.

I hopped in my car and drove over ta August house. I got out the car and walked ta his door. He opened up the door and gave ne dap.

"Wassup Chris."

"Nun much. How are you and Ray?"

"We good. You and Princeton?"

"We good."

We was talking for a bit when Prince called me and ta get some milk from the store.

"Aye I gotta go. Prince want me ta pick up some milk."

"Aight. I'll see you later."

I walked out the house and hopped in my car. I drove ta the store. I was on the aisle where they had milk. I was reaching for a bottle when somebody reached for the same one. I looked at the hand and then the person's face. It was Trey. I couldn't stand him. Trey was known for being Mr.Steal Your Girl. He went after both genders. Trey was Princeton's ex and he had been trying ta get back with Prince but then he moved. I guess he's back.

"Oh look. It's Chris. How's Princeton's sexy ass doing?" he smirked.

"Perfectly fine with me," I growled.

"He still with you? Damn I thought he had better taste in men. I mean you ain't as good as me in bed I'm sure," he sighed.

"He doesn't want you anymore. He got me," I snapped.

"Look just do me a favor Christopher," he smirked.


"Tell everybody that Mr.Steal Your Girl is back."
Trey's POV:

I'm backkkk! I was walking around my neighborhood when I saw a familiar curly afro. My heart started beating faster when I realized who it was. Some people may think I'm just a home wrecker. Nahhh. I actually have feelings for these people. Like Jacob(Princeton). Ive been in love with him since the 7th grade. I'm 30 now. That says alot. I looked him over. He still had that caramel skin and that shiny afro. He was still short but his ass got bigger over the years. The things I would do ta him. I know he aint mine but I want ta be mine. He was talking ta this dude, Craig. Craig looked over at me and smirked then tapped Jacob on the shoulder. He turned around and seen me. I smirked and walked over ta where he was. He was blushing. I smirked while Craig disappered.

"Trey your back?" Jacob asked me.

"Mhmm," I nodded, lookin' him over. He had some tight black shorts that hugged his curves an' a black muscle shirt.

"C'mon let's go inside. It's hot nd we should catch up,"he turned around and I watched the way his ass jiggled and bounced. I was imagining the way it would look bouncing on this di- lemme stop. We walked into his house and he walked into his kitchen.

"So Trey what brings you back in town?" he asked, handin' me a cup of lemonade.

"I guess I wanted ta come back cause I was was tired of Las Vegas (they live in San Diego)"I answered.

"Did you meet anyone out there?"

"Yea. I found a couple of friends."

"You dating anyone?"

I looked at him then smirked.

"Nahhh. Nobody could compare ta you," I smirked when he blushed.

"What do you mean 'compare ta me'?"

"You know what I mean? I want you. Not no otha bitch or nigga."

"But I got Chris-"

"Fuck that nigga. Stop bringin' him up. I know you're takin' but I can take his spot an' give you all the he not."

"Trey I think you should leave."

"Aight. I'll leave. Jus' know if he leave you all alone, Ima come through an' steal his spot. Ima be the one watchin' you get naked. Ima be the one tellin' you ta take it."

And with that, I left.
Princeton's POV:

I sat in Chris and I's bed and thought about what Trey said today. I really miss. He was my first love. When we broke, Chris was just someone to help me get my minds off of Trey then it eventually turned into a relationship. But I wont ever love Chris like I do Trey. I really needed ta see him. Chris was on a trip with August for his music video shoot. I grabbed my Jordan slid ons and my hoodie then walked out the door and to Trey's house. I came up to a yellow and white two story house. I walked up the porch steps and rang the door bell. I heard somebody behind the door then he opened the door in nothing but a towel. I licked my lips and jumped on him. He stumbled back but caught me.
No one's POV:

What Princeton didnt know was that Chris had got back early from his shoot with August. In fact, he was walking down th street to his house from August's house which was two houses away from Trey's. He was walking paast when he saw Trey open the door for Princeton. He seen the man that he loved jump on someone he hated. Trey looked at him over Princeton's shoulder as he kissed Trey's neck. Trey winked and smirked at Chris.

"I told you I was back," he mouthed.

Then slammed his front door with Princeton wrapped around his body.
I'm truly pissed right now. Hope you enjoy.



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