Voodoo Pt.4 (Royce)

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This needs to be out the way. I tired of lookin at this undone.


Jacob's POV:


"What is it Jacob?" she answered back.

"Did you see my veil?" I asked,frantically.

"No honey. I haven't seen it. I thought you had it," she answered.

Oh mah god. Please tell me this isn't happenig to me right now! Please tell me this isn't happening! Not on my weddding day! Not the day that I marry the man of my life! Please let this not happen today of all days. I know you're like why are you trippin this hard. Well I'm still pregnant and I'm getting married in like an hour. I'm nine months and ready to pop any moment. I excited but nervous because I could be ready for labor at the wrong moment.(Hint Hint)I started freaking out because my veil is missing. I been having problems all day. Ihad to get my dress resized about a 2 weeks ago so it would fit. My dress was tight around my boobs and it stopped right under my boobs. The rest of it flowed down to my feet. It was the beat dress that I actually liked that actually fit over my baby bump. I had some all white wedges with the strap around the ankle and a white flower band. My hair was straighten and curled at the ends. I felt beautiful.

"Jacob honey calm down. I found the veil it was in the shoe box," my mami sighed as she handed over the veil.

There was a knock on the door. I walked over to it to be greeted by my bestfriend, Craig. He was a transgender too. His husband, Rayan, was Chresanto's best friend. That's how me and Santo met in high school.

"Hi honey. How you doin'?" Craig greeted.

"I'm stressin'. I've been missin' shit all day. I'm hungry. I'm tired. I'm hot, pregnant and fat. I can't do this,"I stressed.

"Aww calm down Jacob. Everything's gonna be fine. Now let's get you fixed up," Craig cooed.

"Okay. Let's get this over wit'."

(1 Hour Later)

"Are you ready Jacob?" my dad asked me.

"Mhmm,"I hummed, hooking arms with him.

I heard Voodoo start to play then I was being led to my soon to be husband. I spotted my sexy fiancé standing at the end of the aisle, dressed in an all white tux with a purple tie and white dress shoes. My dad led me down to him. When we reached him daddy let me go and kissed my cheek then walked to sit by my mom. The music cut off and we joined hands.

(Okay pause. Look ion know if y'all was lookin' forward ta some vows but sorry ta tell yall ya ain't gettin none. I'm not good with that and I'm bein, lazy right now. On with the story.)

We said our vows then the minister said,"Chresanto, do you take Jacob for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?.

"I do."

"Jacob,do you take Chresanto for your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do you part?"

"I do."

"I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. August. You may now kiss the bride."

I leaned in and kissed my new husband. Then I felt a pain in my stomach.

"Oh shit. Not now," I groaned.

"What's wrong Jacob?"

"It's time."

"Awww shit! I'm 'bout ta be a daddy!"

Chresanto's POV:(At The Hospital During Labor)

It's been 2 hours and Jacob was now pushing. I have never been so fuckin scared in my life. Even when I walked in on my parents having sex on the couch when I was with Ray. *shakes with fear* I never saw my parents the same again. Anyways, I'm pretty sure my hand is bruised and broken. And my ear drum is busted from all the screaming. I officially know how to cuss someone out in Spanish thanks to Jacob.

"Come on baby. Just push," I cooed.

"Shut up dumb nigga! You got me like this!" he screamed, squeezing the shit outta my hand.

See! I am officially terrified of him. Finally after another hour of screaming and cussing our baby was brought into the world. Jacob gave birth to a little baby girl named Jamiyah (Ja-Mi-Yah) Kennedy August. She was light skinned with the hair, lips and eyes like her mother's and nose, eyes and eyebrows like me. I was finally a dad.

"I love you Jacob. I really appreciate you bringing my first child into the world," I smiled as tears rolled down my face.

"I love you too Chresanto. I really appreciate you letting me bring our first child into the world," he smiled.

I finally had what I wanted in life. A beautiful wife and a beautiful child. I was finally complete.


I finally finished it. I decided I'm gonna make this a book. I just don't know when.





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