Voodoo(Royce) Pt.2

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Jacob-26 (transgender)



Jacob POV:

"Jacob baby. Wake up. We gotta catch our flight," Chresanto whispered, lightly shaking me.

"Ughhhh! Five more minutes," I groaned, pulling the covers over my head.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that," he chuckled lightly,"I gave you as much sleep as I possibly could."

"It's your fault," I mumbled, climbing out of our bed. I walked to the bathroom and got in the shower doing my hygiene. I walked out the bathroom with my towel wrapped around my waist, completely showing my boobs. I walked to the room with Chres staring at my chest area.

"You not gone have skin on your lips if you keep licking and biting them like that," I smirked as he looked away from my chest.

"Yea, but we won't be going to New Orleans if you keep walking around with yo' titties out like that," he mumbled as he put the finishing packing our bags then took them downstairs to put them in the trunk. I grabbed my stone washed hi-waisted jeans, a white tanktop, wheat Timberlands and Santo's letterman jacket from high school. I walked downstairs to the kitchen and tried to eat something before we left. I've been having these weird cravings like yesterday I wanted steak and ice cream. The day before that I had pickles and chocolate icing. I grabbed a bowl and grabbed a packet of those microwaveable pancake things and some hot sauce. As I was eating Santo came into the kitchen and looked at what I was eating with a stank face.

"What in the hell are you eatin'?!" he gagged, covering his nose.

"Pancakes and hot sauce," I answered in a duh tone.

"Why in God's name are you eatin' that?! It stank! Oh God it 'tank! It 'tank!" he said, running around the kitchen.

"Shut up Santo and let's go," I laughed as he slipped and tripped over the rug.

We walked out the house and to his royal blue Jeep. He opened my door and helped me into that big ass truck. I don't see why he got this truck knowing that I can't get in it without any help from him.

"I'm taking a nap,"I sighed as I laid back in the seat.

He nodded and played my favorite song. Voodoo by Frank Ocean. He put in on repeat and turned the volume down so that it was quiet background music. Kinda like a lullaby. I dozed off with Chres rubbing small circles on my hand with his thumb.

#At The Airport#

"Babe. . . Babe. . . We're here. . . Get up."

I opened my eyes to see us sitting in the parking garage of the airport. I stretched and unbuckled my seat belt then very slowly getting out the car to stretch again. Santo got the buggie things that you can carry your bags on. We walked to TSA and then to the seating area, waiting for them to let us on the plane.

"Santo? Baby? I'm hungry," I whispered as I rubbed my stomach.

"What you wanna eat?"

"Some McDonald's. Get me 2 McGrindles, hash browns, and a large cup of orange juice."

"Aight. I'll be back in 10 minutes."

I nodded then he left. I looked around and I could've swore to god that I seen seen Santo's mom, Brandy, and his sister, Winter. I stared at them but then dismissed the thought. Why would his mom and sister be going to New Orleans? I sat back and examined more people but my eyes kept goin back to those 2 people.

"I got the food."

I looked up to see Santo with a big McDonald's bag and a drink tray with a coffee and an orange juice. I smiled and thanked him as he handed me the bag. He grabbed his food and coffee and gave me my food.

"Anything happen when I was gone?" he asked as he bit into his Big Mac. How the hell did he get a Big Mac?! I thought they weren't serving lunch yet.

"They just finished serving breakfast so I got this," he explained.

"Oh. No you didn't miss anything, but I could of swore I saw your mom and sister over there."

He looked at me with wide eyes filled with fear. Weird. He grabbed his phone out of my jacket pocket and started tapping it. He looked up at the girl and she looked up at him with wide eyes. So Winter was here! I knew it! I looked at her and waved but she grabbed Ms.Brandy's hand and pulled her away in a hurry while whispering in her ear. Ms.Brandy looked back at me and ran. Yes I said ran. I have neer seen a woman her age run like that before. She was faster than Winter. I looked at Santo but he wouldn't look at me. Weird. First, I see them here. Now, Santo won't look at me. I sigh but then my thoughts drift to my big secret. Something I want to tell Santo in New Orleans.


I finally did part 2 of this. Now to part 3. Anyways, same song as last time but I'll write it anyways.

Inspired by: Voodoo by Frank Ocean


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