Autumn Leaves(Chris BrownxKendrick Lamar)

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Chris- 21

Kendrick Lamar- 23


Chris Pov:

I sat in my bed crying my eyes out as I waited for Kendrick to get home. He told me that he would be home shortly and that was at 9 o' clock, but now it's 2 a.m. Kendrick and I have been together since I was a freshmen. He swears that he loves me, but lately I've been questioning it. He's been hiding things from me. He always leaves and doesn't come back until like 4 in the morning. I think that he's cheating ,but me being the denial and naive person I am I chose not to believe it. I tried calling his phone, texting him, facetiming him, but he doesn't answer or text me back. I caught him cheating once and he promised.he wouldn't do it again. Which was a lie. I caught him with another woman about 2 weeks later. Yes woman. All the things he does to me. Yet I still come running back. Eventually I fell asleep in one of his big white shirts and a pair of tight fitted boxers. I woke back up when I felt a dip in the bed then a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Chris. Baby boy. I know you still up," Kendrick muttered softly in my ear.

"Ken just lea-" I tried to say but got cut off by him.

"Look baby, I'm sorry for staying out later than I said I would," he sighed," I got caught up in some shit."

"What type of shit Kenny?" I asked, facing him.

"Some shit you don't need to worry your pretty little mind 'bout."

I giggled and snuggled up to him, tracing his abs through his shirt. We talked for about an hour before he made me go to sleep.

"Do you forgive me C?" he asked me as I looked him in his steele grey eyes.

I nodded and smiled sleepily. I laid down on hos chest and nuzzled his neck, but immediately shot back up when I smelt some cheap ass perfume on his neck then seen a nasty ass hickie on his collar bone.

"Kendrick. What the fuck is this on your neck," I said as calmly as I possibly could.

"Umm. . . I uhh-" he  stuttered trying to come up with an excuse.

"You know what. . .don't even bother trying to explain anything to me anymore. I'm leaving!" I said as I began to pack my belongings as he tried to stop me.

"Baby listen to me please!" he pleaded.

"No! I'm done trying to make things work with us! All the things you do to me yet I'm still here! Forgiving you every time you fuck up! I'm done letting you hurt me! I'm leaving you! We're done. . .so don't wait up!" I yelled as tears streamed done my face.

I finished packing my clothes and stuff with Kendrick trying to stop me. When he finally gave up I called my best friend Brian.

"Hello?" he said in a groggy tone.

"Hey Kid can you come pick me up from Kendrick's house? Please?" I pleaded sniffing.

"Yea. I'm on my way. Lemme jus' put some clothes on." he said quickly as I heard him stumbling around.

"Call me when you get here," I sighed.

"Aight. I'll be there in 'bout 5 minutes."

I hung up and took all my stuff downstairs and placed it by the door. I didn't see Kendrick downstairs, so I walked back upstairs to make sure I grabbed everything then walked back downstairs to be greeted with a car horn and a crying Kendrick.

"Baby please don't leave me! I'm sorry as hell! I never meant to hurt you! Baby jus' please stay!" he sobbed.

"Why should I stay?! So you can cheat on me again and think that I'm just gonna forgive you?! I'm done with that shit!" I screamed as my phone rang. It was Kid. I grabbed my bags and walked out the door and didn't look back. I walked straight to Kid's car with my head high not letting one tear slip from my eyes. I put my things in his car and got in the front seat. I turned my head back to the house as Kid pulled off down the street. I saw Kendrick on the ground, on his knees with his head in his hands, sobbing. It broke my heart, but I wasn't gonna go running back to him because he was crying. I was done being misused and unappreciated.

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