The truth ch.17

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⚠️waring suicidal thoughts arguing and that type of stuff happens here!⚠️

"M-Max..?" I stutter as he grabs my wrist "come on.." he mumbles "W-what's going on? What did David talk to you about..? Did it have anything to do with what you and Nikki were thinking of?" I ask trying to understand what he wanted "no not at all.." I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or serious "are you mad about me a Neil..?" I really want to know what's wrong! "What? No.. why-" he stoped and looked at me "what were you and Neil doing?" "Neil thought we were dating I was just explaining that we weren't.." I say to him making sure I was telling the truth so he wouldn't be more upset "w-what..? You don't..-" he then let go of me "max..?" Tears starts to full up his vision "b-but we.. I-I-I thought.. that we.." he back away from me a little "m-max? What's wrong?! What did you and David talk about?" I ask getting worried about him "fuck the conversation with David! What about us?!" He almost shouts "W-what.." I could barely speak above a whisper "arnt we a-" his tears were streaming down his face but he was trying to keep his sobs in and talk I just hug him I don't want to see him cry right know.. he's obviously had a sensitive conversation with David and now there something wrong with us.. he then pushed away from me whipping his tears "y/n.. I- didn't you think more about this..?" He looks at me with alone eyes "about what? Max your not making sense!" I'm so confused all day ive been confused and know max is angry or upset with me about something I DONT UNDERSTAND! "Didn't you see it?!" He shouts "why I told you! Why I trusted you! Isn't that why you trusted me..? Or...were you just being a fucking facer like you always are?!" He shouts I didn't know what to say "W-what?! No! Of course not! I didn't fake anything to you...!" I try to encourage him that I did mean that all to him "so like know as well.. you-.. your really don't fucking know why I'm so upset..." he finished as a shack my head "so.. when we kisses.. that didn't mean anything..? Did you just.. see that as a fucking kiss from a nobody!?" He shouts at him looking hurt "what?! No max! I don't.. max just calm down! You going throw something so just calm-" I try to go closer to him to calm him down but his slaps me "no! Don't tell me to calm the fuck down! Your honesty telling me! That you didn't see what as anything?! At all?! You just thought I did that because oh fucking why not?!" He shouts at me louder and louder "max.." I managed to whisper out trying to hold my tears but it's not working holding a hand to my cheek here he hit me "no! It's because I fucking lo-" he then stop all of a sudden slapping his hands to his mouth with tears still rolling down as he sees me on the floor crying he takes a step closer to me "y-y/n.. I.." he put his hand out to me but I slap it away to scared to look at him.. I see too much of my dad in him shouting... "y-y/n.. please I didn't mean it.. I'm so sorry... I.. just.." he doesn't get any closer to me because he doesn't want me to run of or anything..

~ Max's pov ~

As soon as I realise what I was doing I stop and tried to apologise to her.. shit like this always happen to her and she's horrified by it! I didn't want to do this! But did I really not matter to her..? Until I hear her speck up "that's the thing about you.." she whispers still looking away from me I tilt me head "it's always about you..." she sob "W-what.." she looks at me dead in the eyes he looks betrayed and angry "when ever you talk you say 'I' this or 'me' that " She says louder then before "we'll I'm tired of it! I've been there for you! I've told you my secret! I listen and helped the best I could with yours!" She almost shouts in between sobs "and this... shouting and.. arguing.. is how you repay.." she turns her upset frown into a crooked smile and laughs a bit to herself looking back at the ground "and the worst part is.. I'm still looking for a reword.. I thought if I be nice.. if I help... someday something good would happen.. I had thought it might be this camp.. then I was kidnapped.. then my mum stoped calling me.. now you.. the only think.. getting me throw this miserable place of a camp.. that been.." She look at me once more with tears in her eyes falling to the ground "that been fuck up too.." she says looking away taking off my jumper and giving it to me walking of.. I didn't know what to do.. how to process this.. she was my everything.. I cared about her so much.. I loved her.. and just because of my STULID PARENTS! THEY'VE RUINED EVERYTHING!! I start crying once again into my hoodie. They ruined everything the reason I'm alive, there the reason I'm here, there the reason I'm such a piece of shit! There the reason why there going to split up! There the reason why I got angry at y/n!! It's all there fault! I don't want to be here!

A new hope max x readerWhere stories live. Discover now