Shut up ch.12

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(HOLY ACTUALLY HELL 110 VIEWS?! but the actual:000 that's so many!! And this is my first story!!! WOW THANKS SO MUCH!!)

I wake but don't open my eyes. I feel some warmth beside me so I cuddle up to it I feel some hands wrap around me not remembering when I feel asleep I open my eyes stretching a bit seeing max next to me and snuggle back up.. WAIT MAX?! I shoot up accidentally falling off the bed that wakes max up he then sees me of the floor and rubs his eyes "fuckin'..why you so loud.." he say sleepily Making me blush because of his morning voice "s-sorry.." I stutter out "MmmMm whatever.." he groans laying back down trying to go back to sleep I pout pushing him to the side "move this is my bed.. go back to yours" he doesn't move or says anything he just puts an arm around me "good enough.." he mumbles as my eyes get heavier falling asleep again I hear muttering as I'm not asleep but I can't be bother to wake up "are they still asleep? Seriously.." "aw come on! They had a long day yesterday! Plus they look so cute!" I grab a pillow and throw it to whoever was talking "shhhHh..." I was too tired to make out who it was and sadly too awake to fall back asleep and too comfy to move. "As crap I hope I didn't wake them!" "Then shit up and leave them alone.." they argued a bit with each other there voices fading

After a while max starts to wake up moving around as he does that moves me around annoying me a bit I just turn around "ah fuck- ew" I hear max say spitting "move your fat ass over your hairs in my face!" He says groaning and sitting up I just hum say I've heard him he sounds a bit pisses that I ignored him so he throws my hair in my face causing me to wake up "nuuUu... that's mean.. and know it's cold..." I mumble wrapping myself with the covers moving my hair "fuck why are you so whiny in the morning?" He scoffs "I'm not a morning person okay.. just let me sleep.." I say sleepily "nope" he says taking the coves off of me "I'm awak do you have to wake up too" he says evil "whaaa how's that fairrrr" I pout rubbing my eyes resting my sleepy head in his shoulder "mmm why are you so mean..." I say pouting "me mean? I let you sleep next to me all night" "and I let you sleep in my bed so.. your still mean" I say straight after him ". . . You lil bitch just come on.." he says getting up putting on his jumper I get up following him I'm still half asleep and I don't drink coffee (it gives me a headache so I'm sorry if you do drink it) so I won't be up probably for a while I hold onto his arm finding my way to the messhall
You two sit down he drink his coffee and I put my head on the table wanting to sleep someone whacks me on the head "hey!"I pout "hey yourself"max says "stop falling asleep"he says blushing a bit sipping his coffee "but I'm tried"I say "yeah well I am too but you don't see me falling asleep" "you have coffee!! I don't!" I whimper "if you want some just get some" he says "nah it give me headache.. I would rather eat chocolate" (again soz if u drunk coffee if u do you accept and take some of his leaving him giving you a death stair and If you don't eat chocolate you just kinda sit there suffering) you get some chocolate out of your pocket and starting eating it bc chocolate is to die for and it gives you energy after nikki and Neil finish eating or talking or doing whatever they were doing they go over to you and max nikki had THAT look i her face saying she's about to make fun or tease you two but before she could say a word max say something "I swear you two say a word about last night I will poor hat coffee all over you face and let you burn" nikki's mouth seals shuts and Neil starts with a friend confiscation but Nikki starts tapping on the table getting my attention I tilt my head meaning for her to start talking "sooooo... you and David..?" She asks "Nikki stop remember what she said yesterday day.." Neil says forgetting about the confiscation that he was just having "but I want to knowwwww! Max get to know why can't weeeEeEEee!" Nikki pouts "hey I never said she told me" max says "but he didn't answer my question from yesterday.." Neil says putting a finder to his chin "what question?" I ask not remembering "well you said that me and Nikki didn't need to worry about it but you didn't say about max" he remind me "ah well... that's.. it's complicated I guess?" I say before nikki cuts me off "ugh! Just say your dating alreaddyyyy! You two act like it and you feel asleep together already!! So you told him because he's your boyyyyfriendddddd..!" Mr and max goes bright red "for fuck sake nikki! We're not dating!! And I don't fucking know...!" He snaps she just mimics him crossing her arms "yeah, yeah that's what they all say..."

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