Chapter Eight: The S Word

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'I need another drink,' I tell Nathan. I stand up too quickly and I have to put my hand down onto his shoulder to steady myself.

He stands up and puts his hands on my waist. 'I'll come,' he says.

We walk back up the beach, and Nathan says hi to a couple of people he knows. I outpace him, realising that the soft white sand is making it hard for me to walk. Or maybe it's the alcohol. But I focus on the esky and walk towards it, trying to keep my path straight.

'Indy,' comes a voice, and I think it's Nathan, but then Ryan is in front of me, with shaggy blonde hair and green eyes. 'Where have you been?'

'I need another drink,' I say, focusing only on the esky. I can't tell Ryan where I've been.

Ryan walks with me towards the esky. He opens it for me and digs through the ice to find me one of my drinks. 'Here,' he says, opening it for me.

'Hey,' comes a sharp voice from behind us. I turn around to see Nathan, and my stomach drops.

Nathan puts his arm around my waist and places a kiss on my neck. I stare at Ryan, feeling bothered. Ryan stares right back at me.

'You right, man?' Nathan says. 'You need something?'

'Excuse me?' Ryan says. 'This is my esky.'

Ryan takes his own drink out of the esky and opens it. His narrowed gaze is fixed on Nathan the entire time.

'If that's all...' Nathan says roughly, suggesting that Ryan should leave, but Ryan holds his ground.

'Indy,' Ryan says, finally looking at me. 'Come hang out with Rose. She needs a friend.'

Nathan tightens his hold on me, and then pulls me backwards, away from Ryan.

Ryan flexes his shoulders, glaring at Nathan. I don't want conflict, so I say, 'She should talk to Kris,' and then I retreat with Nathan, letting him lead me back along the beach.

As soon as we're walking alone Nathan lets go of me and takes a step away from me. I stop, because as soon as I lose his support I realise how unsteady I am on my feet.

'You do like him,' Nathan snaps. I swallow, unable to speak. 'You were flirting with him. And he was trying to manipulate you, can't you see that? He was telling you to hang out with his girlfriend, but it was a ploy. He wants both of you. He's just taking advantage of you, Indy. He just wants what he can't have. I know his type.'

My throat burns and I feel tears in my eyes.

'What am I supposed to do, Indy?' Nathan says, gesturing back towards the bonfire. 'I thought you liked me. You said you missed me. Were you lying?'

'No,' I mumble.

'Then what was that?' he says, gesturing again. 'I can't stand it.'

'You can't stand what?' I murmur. I'm clutching desperately to the drink I'm holding but I don't dare take a sip.

Nathan clenches his fists and grits his teeth. 'Don't make me say it.'

'Say what?'

He twists around, looking out to sea. 'I can't stand the idea of you thinking about him.'

'I don't,' I whisper.

He shakes his head. 'I know you're lying,' he snaps. 'I'm not that kind of guy, Indy. I'm not the kind of guy that just hooks up with people at parties. Maybe you are,' he says harshly.

'I'm not.'

'Really?' he growls. 'Because that's what it looks like. You got with me and then you disappeared. I heard nothing. And now you're trying to get with me again but you clearly want him too. I don't want to be played.'

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