Chapter Thirteen: Christmas Situation

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Kris spends Christmas Eve on the beach with the juice girl and her friends. Rose and Ryan go out for dinner, so I wind up sitting on the beach with Tammy, who has been hiding in her house for the past week. I still haven't talked to her about what happened at the last party, and I decide while we're alone on the beach it might be a good time to bring it up.

'Have you spoken to Hayden or any of the locals you like?' I ask her, and instantly Tammy puts her head in her hands and groans.

'That bad, huh?' I ask. 'What happened?'

Tammy looks up at me. This evening she's wearing a black t-shirt and denim shorts - she has abandoned the 24/7 bikinis that she was wearing at the beginning of summer. She pulls her hair back and holds it in a ponytail because it's whipping in the wind, and I offer her one of the hair ties that I have on my wrist.

She takes it and says, 'I got so drunk. I was drinking those drinks you bought me but then I ran out and I should have just stopped but one of the girls said she had extra and I just kept drinking. And I was trying to talk to Hayden and I think I was sitting on his lap? I can't remember! And then all of a sudden I was throwing up, right in front of everyone. It was so embarrassing and they probably think I'm such a huge loser.'

'Tammy, no one thinks you're a huge loser. Trust me, they've all gotten too drunk and thrown up as well. That's what people do when they first start drinking. I definitely got too drunk when I was young, before I learnt how much I could drink.'

Tammy looks at me disbelievingly.

'You should text Hayden,' I say. 'Ask him to hang out in a situation that doesn't involve alcohol.'

'I don't know if he really likes me,' Tammy says.

'How could he not?' I ask her. 'You're fun and hot. One night getting too drunk isn't gonna damage your rep.'

Tammy looks out to sea wistfully, and I have to laugh. I nudge her and she looks at me, and then laughs too.

We head back to our houses just as Ryan and Rose return from dinner. Rose looks a little sad, but she smiles and says hi to us. I hurry inside Sandy Cottage, not wanting to be involved in any drama that's going on between the couple.

Early Christmas morning, Mum is waiting for Kris and I under the Christmas tree when we both emerge from our bedroom.

Mum gives us each the same present she's given us every Christmas - money and matching pyjamas. Kris and I have pooled our money together to get her some new records for her collection.

Mum has placed an order for fresh seafood down at the seaside markets and someone needs to pick it up this morning, so I volunteer, but my driver's license has expired since I was in France, so I need someone to drive me. I expect Kris will take me, but she says she's going to meet Meg early this morning to give her a gift.

Mum says, 'Oh, don't worry, I already asked Rose to drive you.'

Rose is waiting next door beside her red car. 'Hey,' she says. 'Merry Christmas! Apparently the fish market is amazing to see on Christmas morning so I thought I'd come along and get some photos.'

She's wearing a cute faded Santa t-shirt and denim shorts, and as always she has her camera hanging around her neck. I'm wearing a little red flowing dress. I follow her into her car and give her directions to the fish market. The drive is quiet so she puts the radio on loud. They're playing pop Christmas songs.

As we suspected, the seafood market is absolutely crazy. It's only eight but they've been open for hours, and they're selling low on everything. Luckily we made an order, so I just have to pay for it and collect a Styrofoam box of seafood.

Rose takes photos of the crowds. There are little kids in pyjamas, adults running around frantically, and a guy dressed as Santa ringing a big bell. He must be very hot in his thick red suit. The atmosphere is incredible and I can understand why Rose wants to capture it - it's beautiful how everyone is here together, on Christmas morning, running to grab the best food for their lunch and dinner.

'Christmas in France anything like this?' Rose asks me teasingly, and I laugh.

'I didn't see any snow, but it still wasn't anything like this,' I say. 'I've never had a white Christmas.'

'Really?' Rose says. 'Aw, you're missing out. I have family in Canada that I used to visit every Christmas. This is actually one of my first summer Christmases, even though I've lived in Australia my whole life.'

'How come you don't visit them anymore?' I ask.

Rose shrugs. 'My parents divorced a few years ago, and my family in Canada is on Mum's side. My parents had huge custody battles over my little brother and me, so when my mum died my grandparents in Canada found it pretty hard to forgive my dad. One day I'll go back there. But this year it was just easier to come and hang out here for Christmas, rather than get caught between Dad and my mum's parents.'

'Oh wow,' I say. 'That sounds pretty messy. I'm sorry about your mum.'

Rose sighs, and as we walk out of the market and back into the sunny car park she smiles again. 'It's nice having Christmas at the beach. I'm glad Ryan asked me to come.'

'How long have you guys been seeing each other?' I ask her.

'Honestly?' Rose asks me as she unlocks the car door. I put the seafood in the boot and get into the passenger seat. She starts up the car. 'We were only dating for a month. I don't think either of us wanted anything serious. But then he heard about my Christmas situation and he invited me here and I just jumped at the opportunity. I didn't realise when I was coming here that I was getting in the middle of something else.'

'What do you mean?' I ask.

'I love this song,' Rose says, turning the radio up louder. We listen to Christmas songs all the way home.

// Author's Note

Hello everyone! Please don't forget to vote and comment on this chapter if you liked it! xx Elle

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