Chapter Eleven: Sinking

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Summer in Australia means Christmas. The shops along the esplanade are decorated with blow-up Santas in red swimming trunks, fake Christmas trees decorated with shells, and tinsel strung along the railings of the main pub. In Sandy Cottage we dig our old tree out from the shed and set it up in the lounge. We decorate it with the same ornaments we've had for over ten years. There are painted reindeers made out of wooden pegs, with googly eyes hanging from string, that Kris and I made when we were young. There are a few nice baubles with our names written in glitter pen, and a beautiful crystal bauble that was a gift from the Fletcher-Galloways. The weather is getting hotter but we sing Frosty the Snowman around the house. Kris and I start planning our Christmas menu – fresh prawns and oysters, mango and peaches, salads, cold ham and chicken, and smoked salmon.

Our tradition for as long as I remember has been to share Christmas day with the Fletcher-Galloways next door. We usually do breakfast and lunch and they put on a huge Christmas dinner. This year I imagine sitting around their dining table, but this time with Rose involved. I'm not entirely happy with the idea. Christmas has always been just our families.

Ryan and I meet every morning to surf or run. We decide on a busy Saturday to walk around the point to the bay, and plan to swim the length of the bay. Ryan's hair is growing longer and blonder, and his skin is getting darker. My hair is already light blonde, but I'm getting more tanned too. We dive off rocks into the water and swim freestyle through the flat water. The length of the bay is a little over a kilometre, and it takes us twenty minutes to reach the other side. Ryan pulls himself out of the water and onto the rocks first, and then turns around and puts his arm out to help me up. I grab onto his hand, and when he pulls me up to his level he pulls me into a hug.

I breathe out, puffed from our swim, and then grin. We make our way carefully off the rocks and back onto the sand, and walk the length of the bay, back around the point to our local beach.

We grab money and head down to the juice bar. Kris is already there, leaning over the counter and talking to Meg while she blends smoothies.

Ryan and I get coffee and sit down at a table. I'm exhausted from our swim and I drink the coffee gratefully.

'So, are you still going to help me figure out what I want to do with my life?' I ask Ryan.

He grins, ducking his head. 'Yeah,' he says. 'I have some ideas.'

'Do you really? Well let me have them! I want to know.'

Ryan shakes his head. 'I'm going to surprise you with something this afternoon, okay?'

I take a sip of my coffee. 'How can you surprise me with a career plan?'

'Trust me,' Ryan says.

'Okay,' I tell him. 'I guess I have to trust you.'

Ryan reaches across the table and takes my hand. 'You don't have to. But I want you to.'

I nod. 'I do trust you, Ryan.'

He smiles, then removes his hand and folds both of his hands around his coffee cup. I miss the contact and I leave my hand lying on the table, in case he wants to reach out and touch me again.

'We need to be there around one pm, so wear casual clothes and I'll drive us,' Ryan says.

I'm intrigued, but agree to go along with whatever he's planning. We drink our coffee and end up sitting in the juice bar for longer than necessary, laughing about old times and catching up more.

We're just about to leave when a group of locals walk into the juice bar. Ryan instantly tenses, and I turn around to confirm my fears. Nathan is here with his friends.

'Let's go,' Ryan says rashly. We stand up suddenly, and this attracts the attention of the local guys.

Nathan steps forward. 'Indy,' he says. 'You haven't been returning my calls.'

I feel anxious deep in my stomach and I take a step back, bumping into Ryan. He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me.

'What have you been calling her for, Nathan?' Ryan asks.

Nathan runs a hand through his dark hair and then crosses his arms. 'I didn't know you had to speak for her, Ryan.'

'I'm sorry I didn't return your calls,' I murmur, and Nathan's expression softens.

'Let's go,' Ryan whispers tersely in my ear, but I'm fixed to this point.

Nathan takes a step forward, bending his head down to look straight into my eyes. 'Please call me back, baby,' he tells me. 'I want to hear that voice of yours.'

Ryan's hand is still around my waist and he tries to pull me away, but I'm caught looking into Nathan's dark eyes.

Then Kris is standing between Nathan and me. She casts a big smile at the group of locals and says, ' you guys buying juices? Meg was just about to close up, but she can probably make you a smoothie real quick if you want one. Nathan, you might want to consider the chocolate protein blaster, you're looking a bit skinny. Did you skip legs day?'

Nathan's jaw locks, and he narrows his eyes at my sister.

'Let's go,' Ryan says to me again, and he leads me past the local guys and out of the juice bar. I glance back to see Kris with her arms crossed and a big smile on her face, still talking shit to the local guys.

'Are you okay?' Ryan asks me as we walk back up the street towards our houses.

I shake my head in response, and then I say, 'Can we just sit on the beach for a while?'

He's still holding my hand and he leads me across the park and onto the sand. We take a seat high on a sand dune looking down across the water. He puts his arm around me and I lean into him, still feeling tense.

'He's been calling you?' Ryan asks, and I nod. I dig my bare feet through the sand, enjoying the warmth.

'Indy, I really don't like him, and I know you're scared of him,' Ryan says. 'You need to tell him you're not interested. He called you baby. He really thinks that you guys could be together.'

I bite my lip, looking up into Ryan's green eyes, which are full of worry. He says, 'You don't actually like him, do you?'

I turn away, and Ryan lets out a heavy breath, and then removes his arm from around my waist.

'I don't know, Ryan,' I say quietly. 'He makes me feel awful. But then he says things like he missed me and he needs me and he wants to hear my voice.'

Ryan grits his teeth. 'Fine,' he says. 'I can't stop you. But please be careful. You know I don't like him.'

He stands up and walks alone up the beach and back towards his house. I sit on the stand, looking out to sea, with the sinking feeling that I've said everything wrong.

// Author's Note

Hii my loves! Thanks for reading this chap, don't forget to vote! (come on, support your local author!)

And then onto the next one...

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