Rescue the Twins

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While the CPUs were heading to the Global Expo to rescue Ram and Rom, the GID continue their investigation in searching for Trick and try to save the twins. They were currently in the streets, searching for any clues.

Jessie: "To think the kidnapper is actually that lolicon bastard, Trick."

Adam: "I know, I never would have believed it myself either. But this is our chance to bring him to justice!"

Louis: "And this should keep the children of Gamindustri safe?"

Adam: "Exactly, and our mission is to catch him dead or alive."

Jessie: "I vote for dead."

Adam: "Now, now. We're not killers, as much as I like to do it myself. But we take him out when we don't have any options. But our biggest priority is to rescue the missing children and our best lead is to find Trick."

GID members: "Yes sir!" 

Adam: "Now then, we already investigated the crime scene back at the bedroom. So far, the room was a mess and a broken window, so he must have broke out the window and fled into the streets. He could not have gotten too far from the Basilicom, so he may have a hideout close by. We'll search through every corner in each street until we find something suspicious. Any questions?"

GID agent: "I have one sir?"

Adam: "Go ahead."

GID agent: "What does Trick look like?"

Adam thought for a moment as he was trying to think of an answer.

Adam: "(Come to think of it. I haven't seen what he'd looked like myself.)" He thought.

Jessie: "Good point, what does our target look like, sir?"

Louis: "I always imagined he was some big creepy monster." He said in a scared tone.

Adam: "What he looks like is irrelevant. What really matters is that we find and stop this criminal scum!"

Many of them cheered in inspiration as they were ready to look for him.

GID agent: "Sir? How are we suppose to apprehend him if we don't know what he looks like?"

Adam: "I forgot, you're still new to this agency. It's quite obvious, our wanted criminal is likely hiding so closely that we wouldn't even suspect it when it's plain sight."

Louis: "What do you mean?"

Adam: "You see, if you want hide from the authorities, you have to blend in with the surroundings. Trick must be disguising himself as one of these civilians around here."

Jessie: "You mean, it could be anyone here! Even that old man over there?!"

She pointed to an elderly man that was smiling, happily as he watched people walking by.

Jessie: "What if it's him. This is could be our target. Getting into and position then..."

She had her rifle aimed at him and was about to fire.

Adam: "Hold it, Jessie! We can't go and shoot that man. What if he's civilian. We don't want to make that mistake."

Louis: "What should we do then?"

Adam: "We wait. Eventually, he'll slip up and give away his position. When we notice somethings off about someone, that will be our moment to strike."

Elder: "Such a lovely day. I love seeing the sight of young people."

GID agents gasped.

Louis: "Did you hear that?"

Jessie: "He just said he loved young people!"

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