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Yibo walked with Zhan to his chambers and they ended up in the garden, it was quite awkward as they really never get along well. Zhan scot down and started playing with the flowers and butterflies.

"I heard there are some problems with the army at the border?" He started looking up at Yibo who was staring at him and immediately turned the other side.

"Yeah there have been some attacks but nothing my couldn't handle." He proudly said.

"That's good I was starting to worry you may get sick as you have been spending a lot of time in your library to midnight."

"Are you spying on me now!?"

Zhan rolled his eyes at that, everything he has said he decided to ask him that "you are really hard to deal with" he blurted out.

"You have changed." Yibo chuckled to the others annoyance.

"You know when someone worries about you other people say thanks or something nice." He uttered while shaking his head.

"Am not other people."

"Yes am starting to believe it now." Zhan stood up straightening his robes.

"Why did you cut your hair?"

"Does it look not good?" He asked back looking at his front.

"Are you trying to seduce my guards?" Yibo frowned.

"What! You know I thought I could have a decent conversation with you but now you uttering nonsense,ahhh my head is going to start hurting any minute now!! You are so unbelievable, get out this conversation is going nowhere." He massaged his temples trying to calm his nerves as talking to this idiot man will make him go crazy.

"You have no right to chase me out this is my palace I can be anywhere I want." Yibo said looking at Zhan who was now frowning. He actually wanted to apologise for what he said but his pride and ego are stronger than his sense of humor.

"Do whatever you want.!" Zhan now completely sat on the grass while pouting, he would have gone inside but decided to remain to keep the stupid king company without talking.

Yibo looked at his childish behavior and a smile unknowingly appeared on his face.

"Am going to give this bitch a piece of my mind." Dagi said motioning her maid to follow her to the Queen's chambers. She saw them together and was waiting for a chance to go and tell Zhan to stay away from the king as she won't allow him to seduce Yibo. She walked gracefully to the kitchen to get some drinks he will be sharing with the Queen.

She walked in without even knocking, and Yubin who tried to stop her was pushed aside harshly making him fall unceremoniously on the floor. He was about to go to Zhan but he lifted his hand saying he can handle it and turned with his unwavering smile to the consort.

"Consort Su to what do I owe this pleasure!?" He questioned not standing from were he was seating.

"Don't pretend you don't know why am here!" She sneered but Zhan decided to keep his cool.

"I really don't understand." He calmly stated sitting up straight.

"You pretentious bitch, you are trying to seduce the king but am telling you he will never touch you, disgusting filthy person." She snarled pouring water on him making him wet.

Zhan was so mad he stood and faced her with rage but she only smirked.


She was cut off with a hot slap that sent her to the floor.

"My Lady?" Before the maid could near her master Chandha who appeared from nowhere kept her down on her knees.

Yubin was flabbergasted, mouth hanging open wide, brain blank nothing in their.He stood ground to his place like he was froze, his face looked so funny.

Zhan looked at Dagi who hadn't recovered from her shock yet holding onto her cheek which stung like hell. He crounched down to her level looking at her pitifully.

"Your Highness please forgive my lady she didn't mean to pour water on you." Her maid pleaded.

"Just shut up!!" Chandha snarled at her.

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