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"General do you think its wise to just go back to capital leaving the Queen behind?" One of them asked to which the others nodded.

"No one forced him to be there,so its not my problem if he gets killed and perhaps this could be a good thing too." He smirked as if thinking something, then he started walking with heavy steps back to his tent to fetch his things.

Zhan unfolded the map on the big round table in the middle of the tent,he started pointing at some points then marking at some ends,finding the weak spots where they could attack the enemy from. He got small human figure pieces and started placing them on the different markings he made. The soldiers were intrigued by his knowledge about the battle field, some even gawked at him. He just smirked at them,of course he knows as he was a commander himself in the other world.

"Highness this wrong, our fighting tactics are not likes this!" One of the soldiers exclaimed as he saw the way he arranged the formation they will use to fight.

"Then this is better as no one knows about it so it will take them by surprise, don't worry I will explain later." He laughed as the other didn't seem to understand what his strategy was and they will figure it in a short time.

Later that day Zhan took them to the training grounds and shows them the formation they would use to which the others figured it was easy and effective as long as they don't make any mistakes to give the enemy a chance. He asked for some men and gave them different tasks to which they would have to accomplish solely. The men nodded their heads in understanding some times also giving in their views.

"Ok  but this plan to work we will have a few days so for these days we won't fight but just defend so we don't waste alot of energy." He was tired and it was already late so Chandha escorted him to his tent to rest as she guards him.

Yibo started to wakeup slowly from his short coma,he tried to open his eyes but it was difficult as his eyelids were heavy and would fall back automatically when he opened them but after a bit of struggling he got a hang of it. When he opened them he knew that he was in his room but his whole body felt numb and couldn't even turn properly without struggling.

"Are you feeling any pain,the imperial doctor will be here any minute." His mother said clearly worried about his state, suddenly he remembered what happened but his brows creased as he search the room and didn't see the person he was expecting there.

"Where is Zhan?!" He uttered before even his mother said another think which completely surprised her as the first person he asked for was the Queen not ahh,but also he referred to him by his name since when did this start.

"Mother?" He brought her back from her thoughts but then she didn't know how to tell him Zhan went to the battle and still she didn't want to lie to him. Yibo saw his mother's hesitation making his heart pound louder not knowing the reason why.

"He went to the battle field three weeks ago after you returned poisoned........." She then explained what had happened.

"What?and you let him go! What if something happens to him?" This didn't sit well with him not at all."I will go there right now. "He tried y sit up but he immediately fell back from numbness.

" Don't strain yourself,rest assured he is fine we got news that he managed to mobilise the army himself and they defeated the enemy so they have to be on their way back now."she said not hiding how proud she felt.

"And their is also some other news!!!!"

"What is it?" He looked uninterested but his expression changed immediately.

"Consort Su is four months pregnant now." She smiled at his son.

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