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The next morning I woke up on the sofa cuddled up with Jessie, i yawned and crawled off of the comfortable pile of blankets to make myself some coffee. I walked over to the kitchen and brewed myself a cup, taking a seat on the table to wait for my drink. I decided to check my Instagram incase Jack replied. I noticed my following had increased by a few thousand.

 I noticed my following had increased by a few thousand

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But still no reply from Jack. I just accepted the fact we wouldn't see each other again. We had both gained extra fame from the picture so I don't see a big deal with it, and clearly neither does he. The kettle flicked and I poured the hot water into my cup, spooning in coffee and sugar, stirring it clockwise. I walked back over to the couch where Jessie was sleeping peacefully and sat down, shifting her feet slightly so I didn't squash her.

The short black haired girl fidgeted, sitting up slowly. "Morning sleeping beauty" I giggled softly, smiling at the sleepy girl. She yawned and smiled back tiredly. "Where's my coffee" she raised one eyebrow. I smirked and pointed over to the kettle. "It's just been boiled go get ur own" she rolled her eyes and slumped herself off of the sofa, making her way over to the kettle, pouring herself a drink and sitting on the table.

"Has he replied yet?" She asked grumpily, i shook my head, tapping on the side of my cup with my nails. "Message him again, what's the worst that can happen" she smiled, sipping her drink. I ignored her and placed the cup on the floor, trudging upstairs to take a shower. As I was showering I heard the door knock. I didn't bother getting out since Jess was downstairs.

"Izzy someone's here to see you!"

I groaned and jumped out of the shower, wrapping myself in a towel and tied my hair into a messy bun. I walked down the stairs to be greeted by the tall handsome man I woke up to the morning before. He raised an eyebrow at me when he noticed the lack of clothing I had on.

"Slightly more clothed than the last time I saw you" he grunted. I rolled my eyes and adjusted the towel tighter around myself. "How did you find my address" i scoffed.

He looked me up and down before answering my question. "I know people" wow what an in depth answer. I raised my brow and asked again, only ruder this time "what people do you know that know my address" I folded my arms and awaited his response.

"Just forget about the address thing for crying out loud. Go put some clothes on my manager wants to speak with the two of us" he groaned. I frowned at him and looked over at jessie who was sipping her coffee while staring us down. "Well? What are you waiting for? I don't have all day" he spat rudely, again. I listened to him this time, not questioning why his manager would want to speak to me. I already guessed what it would be about. I quickly changed my clothes and put my hair into two french braids so I didn't have to dry my hair fully. I applied some mascara and lip balm before heading downstairs and putting my shoes on.

"About time" he scoffed as he opened the front door and climbed into his car. I rolled my eyes and gave Jessie a quick hug before leaving the house "good luck" she snickered sarcastically. I smiled at her and grabbed my keys before leaving the house. I stared at his car for a split second before walking to the passenger seat door and sitting inside. His car was huge, white and shiny. You could tell it was expensive by the polish on the thing.

"Why do you need me to meet your manager?" I raised my eyebrow and plugged in my seat belt before he revved the engine and spun out of my drive. "Since we slept together it had caused me a lot of problems" he span the steering wheel round quickly as he drove down my street. "And my manager needs to ask us both a question" he shrugged.

I frowned and laughed "this wasn't even supposed to happen. I regret everything that happened that night." He gave me a sharp glare and quickly refocused on the road. "Multiple women would be happy to be in the position you are" he said egotistically.

"Don't get me wrong you're very attractive, but you're a fucking arsehole" I spat. My comment clearly took him by surprise by the sudden flinch. He laughed under his breath before pulling into the Aston Villa training grounds. He parked up the car next to a shiny black Volvo before climbing out of the car and walking towards the entrance of the building. I quickly jumped out of the car and followed him inside.

"Ahh Jack lad. This must be the girl you were caught fucking around with then" a tall bearded man said in a thick Scottish accent. The pair laughed and walked further inside the building, completely ignoring my existence. I moped behind, still following the two who were chatting about god knows what. I decided not to listen to save my ego from being crushed.

"Jack, John. Take a seat the pair of you" an old grey haired man said, rather aggressively. "And you." He frowned at me, I listened and walked in the room taking a seat as far away from Jack as I could.

"Right. You two. You realise what you've both done for Jack's reputation?" He said glaring at me. The man who Jack walked in with originally smiled at me and left the room the second the grey haired man started speaking towards me.

I nodded at the question and crossed one leg over the other. "And you realise that you, Jack. Have had too many of these one night stands. Yes?" Jack nodded and groaned under his breath.

The man stood from his seat and leant on the desk directly infront of us. "This ones gotten out of hand. Fans are livid. You're a beautiful girl Isabella. They're jealous of you." He said in an angry yet complimentary tone. I smiled and thanked him.

"The good side of this is you've both gained popularity along the platforms you've been shared on. Which I like. I like attention being brought to Jack." He grinned. "So I'd like you both to cause another scene. Something to gain you both more popularity. Mainly Jack but it'll help you too Isabella" he smirked at us both again.

"No fucking way I'm not sleeping with her again." Jack spat angrily.

"I'm not too keen on you either Grealish." I rolled my eyes and slumped into my chair.

"All you two need to do is fake date for a few months then break up the second the fame starts dying down" he said understandingly

"But that means neither of you are allowed to sleep with other people, incase of being caught. So you sleep with eachother, or no one."

a/n: do you think Isabella will agree to the deal?

Sorry for the long chapter btw! This probably could've been a two parter but I got too engrossed in the story line haha.

lots of love, stay safe!
-a x

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