Two weeks

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tw: sexual content!

Months went by and jack and I were argument free, the pair of us decided to keep away from big social media events. Just to let the excitement die down a tad. And it did. Christmas time soon rolled around, leaving the pair of us in each other's company a lot more than usual. I didn't mind his company and it seemed that he didn't mind mine either. Our relationship had grew stronger over the past few months and i couldn't be happier. Although, it was still only a deal to him.

"It's Christmas in two weeks mum, you still haven't met him. You're going to need to stop being selfish sooner or later" i pace around my mothers small kitchen as i blabber on to her about meeting jack.

"He's no good for you. He's a player. I can sense it! I don't want to meet that football boyfriend of yours" she shouted at me, pointing her finger towards my face angrily.

I groaned and walked out of the kitchen and into the living room to confront my dad about her behaviour. "Dad, you'll meet Jack wont you?"

"Sweetie.. I'd love to meet him. But your mother.." he says, cutting himself off as my mother barges through the door.

"I don't want to see you hurt bell, he's not right for you" she says, in a more understanding tone this time. I sigh and nod before turning towards the door.

"Mum?" I say, my back still turned. She hummed in response. "I'm bringing him for Christmas dinner wether you like it or not" I grit my teeth, storming out of the door, hearing my mother gasp and shout towards my father. My mum and I had always been different, she doesn't believe in love at such a young age, I doubt she loves my father.

I walked myself home, ready to put the Christmas decorations up and start baking cookies. The second I entered the door I heard 'jingle bell rock' playing on the TV. And my eyes drifted towards Jack, who was dragging a box full of ornaments from under the stairs.

"Do you need a hand?" I giggle softly at his attempt to lift the box from the top shelf of my cupboard. "No, I'll handle it. What the fuck have you got in these boxes?" He grunts as he finally lifts it and places it down on the floor beside him.

"Just a couple of ornaments.." i laugh softly. He nods his head sarcastically and walks over to me. "Are your parents okay with me coming to see them before Christmas?" He leans down and kisses me softly.

"They're still hesitant but they said they'll give it a go.." I lied, I didn't want him to be upset because of my parents. He seemed to be in such a good mood and I didn't want to ruin that. "Alright, at least they're trying. Don't look so upset about it" he says kissing me again. I smiled and looked up at him. "Let's start decorating?" I said, he nodded in response.

I quickly hung up my coat and slipped off my shoes to be able to move around more freely, and the pair of us started decorating. The first thing we put up was the tree, it was a tall 6ft tree, with frosted tips and built in lights and pinecones. We decorated it with false berries and ivy. Then we moved on to the paintings on the wall, putting tinsel around them to make them blend in with the surroundings.

We spent hours decorating the downstairs of my house, making it look as Christmassy as possible. To finish it off we hung mistletoe above the doorframe to the kitchen and placed already wrapped presents under the tree. Defeated from the long day of decorating, we both sat on the sofa and watched a Christmas movie until we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to Jack playing Rudolph the red nose reindeer at full volume on his phone. I stretched and sat up to see him making the cookie batter that I planned to make the night before. "Jack?" I called over to him, he ignored me and continued mixing together the ingredients. I walked over to the kitchen and sat myself on the island counter, behind where he was standing. "I thought we were going to make them together?" I asked sweetly.

"You took too long to wake up, you said you wanted to decorate them anyways" he frowned slightly, turning around and placing his hands on my thighs. "Yes, that's true but I wanted to help cut them out." I tried to slide myself off of the counter. "And there's still time to cut them out" he replied. Pushing his body against mine, stopping me from getting off of the counter.

"Then hurry up" i leant back on my hands, pushing him away with my legs. He looked at me and pulled my waist towards him, kissing my jaw softly. "Jack.." I let out a soft sigh as he kissed me. "Shh" he groaned, carefully tugging at my jogger string, pulling it out of its bow. I bit my lip as he slid me off of the counter and pushed me against it. "The kitchen?.." I laughed softly" he looked me in the eyes and kissed me deeply, sliding his hand under the waistband of my bottoms.

He slowly started to glide his fingers into my underwear, touching me carefully. I let out a soft moan as his fingers circled my clit. "You like that?" He said, his breath warm on my face. I simply nodded. In response to my nod he slid his fingers inside of me, one by one. I bit my lip hard, trying to keep calm. "Do you want more?" He teased. Stopping his fingers from moving. I nodded aggressively in frustration. "Beg." He smirked, kissing my jaw as his fingers laid motionless inside of me.

"Please.. Jack-" my voice broke. He laughed softly and started moving his fingers slowly. "Faster.." I sighed, my breath shaky. He picked up his pace, still trailing kisses down my jaw. My legs started shaking, unable to keep balance. He quickly lifted me and placed me back on the counter, we stayed in this position until I came. I leant over his shoulder, breathless and tired. "Isabella?" He says, his voice stern. "Yes?" I groan, my body still slumped over his shoulder. "We're not finished here"

a/n: hi everyone! Please let me know if you prefer detailed sexual scenes like this one, or more tame like the first one I wrote :)

Lots of love, stay safe!

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