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"What the fuck do you mean? No sex with anyone else but each other! We don't even like each other" the brummy boy groaned, his thick accent echoing through the building.

"He has a point" I frowned softly "we don't get along at all, it just wouldn't work. You should find someone else. Someone he's compatible with" I smiled and stood up from my seat, walking towards the door slowly.

"Miss Dixon. You don't have to agree just now. Think about it. This could do you some good in your career." The grey haired man said, smiling. I smiled back and left the room. I could hear Jack shouting and raving even down the hall way. I decided I wanted to get myself a drink before leaving. So I walked around until I found the staff room.

I heard indistinct chatter as I walked into the room. "Ay there's the girl Jack was with" a deep voice muttered from across the room. I smiled and walked in further. "I just came to get a drink of water before I left. Is that alright?" I said politely, walking towards the sink. "Yeah no problem love" an attractive man said as he stood and walked towards me, grabbing me a glass from the cupboard above my head and filling it with tap water.

He was beautiful, tall with piercing brown eyes and short braided hair that covered his eyes slightly. He smiled and handed me the glass of water. He towered over me. "Thank you" I smiled taking a sip of the water and pouring it down the drain afterwards. I placed the cup on the draining board and walked towards the door.

"Lads you'll never believe what Smiths making me do-" Jack walked into the room as I was just about to leave. His face dropped as he saw Tyrone standing next to me, I smiled and quickly walked past him and jogged towards the exit of the villa building. I knew my house wasn't too far so I didn't even wait for Jack to offer me a ride home.

I walked down the empty streets and plugged my earphones in, listening to Jessie's playlist she sent me earlier that week. I quickly turned the corner towards my house and I noticed jacks car driving behind me from out of the corner of my eye. I turned my music up louder so if he happened to speak to me I could ignore him.  He drove straight past. I didn't want to speak to him but I'm more frustrated that he didn't even try to communicate with me.

I grunted and walked towards my house which was at the top of the road. I walked in my drive and opened the door, slamming it behind me. "Babe how was it!" Jessie ran towards me and gave me a tight hug. I smiled and hugged her back. "Jess it's awful. He's so arrogant" I let out a soft cry.

"Oh no baby" she hugged me tighter, rubbing my back softly. "Sit down and tell me all about it" she smiled and jumped on the sofa. I threw my shoes off and chucked my bag on the floor before sitting next to Jessie and telling her all
About the arrangement and how Jack drove past me on my way home.

"So are you going to do it? You could get a lot of followers from it!" She grinned and jumped with excitement. I frowned and shook my head "he's rude and disrespectful Jess, i cant put up with that for a few months."  I sulked.

I realised I was being dramatic, he wasn't really that bad but he enraged me. He didn't even want to be seen with me. It's not that I was ugly or anything, even his manager said I was beautiful. I must be attractive enough to sleep with. Just not attractive enough to have a fake relationship with. I wasn't fond on the relationship idea either to be honest but Mr Smith was right, it would get us both popularity. Although I didn't want to use Jack for my own personal needs, I knew it would be a good idea for the both of us. We hang out in public for a few months and then never speak again.

"Come on, let's get you ready. We're going out tonight" Jessie jumped off the sofa and dragged me off of it. "Jess no i don't want to drink tonight, no parties. It ends badly." I groaned, laying on the floor wallowing in my own pity. "Izzy you're a 21 year old woman scared of parties. Move your arse" she dragged me by my leg towards the steps. "No i dont want to go let me lay here in peace" I kicked at her.

With a good 10 minutes of persuasion I decided to get ready, she promised me it was just a girly dinner so I walked up the stairs and jumped in the shower. I shaved everywhere just incase she lied to me and I end up sleeping with any other famous people. I dried my body and sprayed myself with deodorant and Dior perfume. I walked into my bedroom and towel dried my hair, leaving the shower available for Jessie to use. She stays round my house more than she stays round hers. She might as-well live here.

I blow dried my hair and slipped on a short black dress. I sat downstairs and waited for Jessie to get ready so I could get her to take a picture of me for Instagram.

She ran down the stairs and I handed her my phone so she could take a few photos for me, we walked outside and I posed for the camera.  After a few shots I chose a picture and posted it to my Instagram. I tagged Jessie and we went on with our night.

Before entering the restaurant I checked my phone and noticed the amount of famous people commenting and liking my pictures

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Before entering the restaurant I checked my phone and noticed the amount of famous people commenting and liking my pictures. The majority were Jack's football friends. But when I noticed he liked my picture I was set for the night. My confidence was boosted and I was ready to break hearts.

a/n: let's hope nothing goes wrong with Jessie and Isabella's girls night out. Izzy is gaining popularity so fast!

I hope you're all enjoying the story so far! i know it's not the best but it'll get better hopefully

**edit** i wont be promising an upload on saturday because i am out all day and night. i'm sorry x

Lots of love, stay safe

-a x

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