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The two weeks went by fast, and it was Christmas Eve finally. The presents were stacked up high under the tree and cookies were scattered around the house. Jack and I were mentally preparing ourselves for the trip to my parents house. I knew it wouldn't be a good idea from my mothers initial reaction but there's only one way to find out. I just wanted her to accept him and understand why I love him. The two of us packed a nightly bag, and an outfit for Christmas Day. And we left the house and headed towards my parents.

"You're sure they're okay with me coming?" He asked cautiously. I nodded awkwardly, focusing on the road. "Isabella." He grunted. I turned to face him as we stopped at a red light. "Yes?" I replied. "Nothing.." he turned to face the road for the rest of the drive. We were both silent yet the tension filled the air with deafening noise.

The pair of us exited the car and knocked on my parents door, my mother greeted me at the door, smiling and playing nice thankfully. "Hello.. jack.. welcome." She said calmly, shaking his hand almost disgusted. My father came to the door and gave me a massive hug, doing the same to jack, making him feel welcome. "Come in!" He bellowed, walking off towards the living room. Jack laughed and followed him inside as i waited by the door with my mother. "You're playing nice tonight?" I scoffed, bitter at her disgusted attitude.

"I don't like him" she said simply. "I don't care who you like" I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room, sitting next to jack. He placed his hand on my thigh, comforting me. hours went by, jack and i were both tired by this point, so the pair of us went to bed in my old room, and fell asleep within seconds of hitting the pillow. The next morning we were woken up to my little cousins screaming and shouting downstairs, jack simply grunted and rolled back over to carry on sleeping. I laughed and quickly put on a pair of shorts and brushed my teeth and hair, heading downstairs quietly.

"Merry Christmas Isabella!" My youngest cousin said to me. I smiled and said the same, hugging her gently. The next hour was pain free, a lot of gift openings and calls from other family members and friends. Jack still hasn't dragged himself out of bed by the time his presents came around, so my little cousin went and woke him up. He came trudging down the stairs, messy haired and exhausted. He looked so effortlessly gorgeous. I'm madly in love with this man.

"Morning everyone.. sorry I slept in" He said, yawning. Everyone looked at him as he missed something out. "Oh, merry Christmas" he smiled towards my mother, who was still giving him the cold shoulder. "Merry Christmas jack!" My football crazy uncle said in return, as he followed with many questions about the upcoming season, i dont understand football so I let them get on with it while I went and had a quick shower.

By the time I was ready, my mother, father and jack had already set up the table for Christmas dinner. My parents always do Christmas dinner at their house at dead on 3pm. Then we finish at around 5, due to cooking and eating. Then we all sit around the tree and open any gifts we received throughout the day. Then after all the eventful stuff, we all relax and get extremely drunk. The time had soon come by and we all sat down at the large table, all adults were on the table in the dining room, where as children were seated in the living room so they could listen and watch the television without annoying everyone else.

"Pass me the salt sweetie" my mother held her hand out towards my cousin, who passed her the salt she asked for. The dinner was finally ready by 3:35pm. And we all started devouring the food. I could see that jack was very uncomfortable with the awkward way my mother acted towards him. But I placed my hand on his knee, reassuring him that everything will be alright. And it was, dinner ended quickly and painlessly, and we all let the children open their recently given gifts, they were put to bed and the adults started the long awaited party.

Jack and I were on shot duty, we all played shot jenga for a while, until my dad refused to drink anything else. The drinking was well controlled between jack and i, considering the mistakes we both make when we're drunk together. I took another shot of cranberry rum, flinching at the bitter taste. While the pair of us hobbled over slightly to let my uncle through the door way, my aunt burst out. "They're under the mistletoe!"

Jack and I looked at eachother before I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the cheek, to keep it pg, but he stopped me. "Jack?" I asked carefully, shocked at him refusing to let me kiss him, even on the cheek. "Isabella, I have to tell you something I've been meaning to tell you ever since the 'deal' situation" he said slowly. My heart sank, I had absolutely no idea how much these next few words could change my life.

"Isabella Dixon, you mean the absolute world to me. You're beautiful, smart, funny.. overall incredible. Not only do I want you to be my official, REAL. Girlfriend. I want you to know that I love you, I really love you" he smiled as he finished his sentence. I stood there in awe.. genuinely shocked at this outcome. All I could do was cry, i just started to cry.

Jack hugged me and kissed me on the forehead as my family stood shocked. "I love you" i said finally responding to him. Tonight will go down in history as the best night I've ever experienced.

a/n: hey everyone :) sorry again for the uploads being SO delayed, I have college coursework to keep up to date with.

Lots of love, stay safe!

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