Love, love, love.

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In the morning I woke up to 7 missed calls from Jack, I decided to ignore them until I got my head straight. I forced myself to check my Instagram messages but there was none from Marissa. Just a seen. I was angry with myself for kicking him out like that the other week, but I'm too proud to admit my mistakes.

I picked up the phone and called Jack. "Hello? Bella?" He answered almost immediately. "Yes, hello," I said softly, almost guilty. "I'm so sorry for the other night, I didn't mean what I said. And I'm going to make it up for you. Make sure you're in at 11, I have something for you." He said quickly, i was almost unable to make out what he said, but I managed.

"Jack?" I said softly in response.
"Yes? Did you hear what I said"
"Yes I heard what you said, I wanted to apologise for kicking you out.. and for the message I sent to marissa" I sighed, feeling hot from nerves.

"It's alright baby, I'll see you later okay?" I could hear the excitement in his voice as he said he would come see me. "Okay Jack, see you soon" I smiled and hung up the phone. I didn't know how I was going to make it up to him but i had to try. He told me to be in for 11, it's 10:45 now.. I decided to impatiently wait it out, hoping he wasn't planning to take me anywhere.

11:03, still nothing..

11:07 nothing..

And then the doorbell rang. I jumped out of my seat and waddled over to the door. To my surprise jack wasn't there, but there was a man standing with a humongous bouquet of flowers, bigger than both of our heads combined. I smiled and grabbed the flowers off of him. "Thank you" I said before closing the door. But the man stopped it with his foot. "There's still more" he laughed and wandered back to his van. I placed the flowers down on the coffee table so I could carry the rest of the items.

He brought over a large soft toy and a box of chocolates. I smiled and nodded, thanking him again, he smiled back as I closed the door behind him. I quickly rang Jessie to tell her everything that had happened over the time she had been away on holiday, leaving her a voice mail. And then I rang jack, thanking him for the presents and whining about how much I want to see him.

I realised I look clingy but I couldn't help it. I cant stay angry at him at all.. i'm too in love with him.

Another few hours of my day went by, I sat eating chocolate and sending multiple voice notes to Jessie. Eager for her to call me back. I hadn't heard from her in a while and I was starting to get aggravated. I heard a knock at the door so I went to check. Unfortunately it wasn't Jessie or Jack. It was my neighbour complaining about the racket from their other neighbour. I nodded and smiled, agreeing with them. Eager to shut the door.

Around 30 mins passed and I finally got a phone call so I was able to ignore my neighbour, it was Jessie! I excused myself and finally shut the door, answering Jessie as fast as I could. "Girl! I've missed you so much how are you!" I shouted down the phone excitedly. "Dont even start! I need more details. He slept with another girl?.. again?" She gasped down the phone. I rolled my eyes and explained the full story. She agreed that I was over dramatic and we gossiped for hours.

Before I knew it the time was 7:00pm. I hung up after saying my goodbyes, and phoned jack quickly. "When are you coming?" I asked softly. "I'm on my way now, we're not going anywhere unless you want to." He stated carefully, making sure to not offend me. "No, unless you want to?" I did the same, being careful with my words since we were both fresh from the argument. "No I'm good" he laughed "see you soon gorgeous" he ended the call and about 15 minutes later he was here, knocking on my door loudly.

"Come in" I shouted. And in he came, dressed in the funkiest pyjamas I had ever seen. He had plaid bottoms and a pink hoodie on. Of course neither were matching. He plonked himself down and kissed me quickly. "I missed you" he said hungrily, kissing me passionately, forcing me to lay down on the sofa. I laughed against his lips and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck tightly.

He broke the kiss and lay himself down on top of me, holding me tight to him. I smiled and stroked his hair, happy to finally be close to him again since our small argument. The pair of us just laid in eachothers company for hours on end, until we both drifted off to sleep.

a/n: sorry this was a boring chapter :') i'm thinking of new ideas to add to the story to make it less generic

-lots of love, stay safe

One Night - Jack GrealishWhere stories live. Discover now