Chapter Two

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Song - "The French Library : Franz Gordon"

The whole way there I was questioning what it is that I could have done wrong. I wasn't a bad student, I always knew when to keep my head down. So being called to the office was a bit of an alarming surprise. Even my friends thought it was some sort of mistake.

    When I got to the office, it became all too clear. Following my entrance, a man stood up from the opposing side of the principals desk, Sheriff Nick Goode stood to face me. Fuck. I had known the sheriff for years. We weren't close, but it was hard not to know him. Lately he'd been trying to help my foster care case, but I wouldn't allow it. I would hear him banging on my door everyday and every night to let him in to talk about all of my options, but I ignored him and he knew that too. I kept my distance from him for years and I'd like things to stay that way, but he was stubborn...just like me. He's always seemed to keep an eye out for me as if I'm a bomb about to explode. He doesn't actually want to help me though, he just wants another win to add to his resume.

"Miss. y/l/n, sorry to call you out of class, but we have a bit of a delicate matter to discuss. Will you take a seat?" Principal Adams requested. I did as he said and took my seat next to the sheriff. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous, not from being around the sheriff, but something else that I couldn't explain. "Miss. y/l/n, Sheriff Goode has brought it to my attention that you have been living on you own for the past few months. Is that true?"

"Yes" I said with no shame to prepare my argument.

The sheriff adjusted his posture to face me. "We've been trying to contact you to figure out our next steps, but you haven't been home most of the time we stop by."

"Next steps?" I asked.

"You're not eligible to be living on your own without a guardian of some sorts." He explained to me.

"My mom is on her way back from a work trip in Maine. She'll be home any day now." I lied.

Goode nodded his head, pretending to believe me. "I see. And when was the last time you spoke to your mother?"

"Last night" I continued to lie.

Goode was struggling to bite his tongue.

"I'll give you two a moment. I have a meeting to attend to anyways." Principal Adams said before leaving us alone.

"Y/n, I want to help you. Believe me, I'm on your side, but you have to give me something to work with. I know you haven't talked to your mom in months — not since your dad died."

I swallowed hard, knowing where this was headed — one ticket out of this town, out of my home. "Don't bring him into this. I don't need your help. I've been doing just fine on my own."

"I know but-"

"You know it, I know it, they'll stick me with some family that doesn't give two shits about me."

    "I get it, I do. I know what it's like to lose a family member and to be burdened with something you don't want. Just give me some time and I'll figure something out. Don't you have some friends you could live with until graduation?" I didn't answer at first. I didn't want to have to ask someone else for help. I didn't want to have to depend of someone else. I said I could handle things on my own and I will. "I see" There was a moment of silence that left us both with feeling awkward. "Look, go to the game tonight, have some fun, and we'll figure this out tomorrow. Ok? Here's my number should you ever need anything." He handed me a piece of paper.

"Whatever" I sighed before grabbing my things and heading out the door.

    He genuinely seemed like he wanted to help me. And I'll never admit to it, but he sure does look good for what, 37?

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