Chapter Three

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It didn't take long for the rest of the shadysiders to join me on the bus. Everyone was more than pissed as Kate gave a speech on how we should rise up and shit like that. Me and Deena laid on the back two seats on the bus. I could tell something went down with her and Sam tonight as she no longer had the box from earlier. I hadn't bothered to ask as I didn't want to impose on the delicate matter. I didn't tell anyone about Goode. It was too earlier and I didn't even have a finalized answer.

"Pieces of shit!" Kate screamed as she iced her temple. "They think they can do whatever they want! They ruined our vigil, then go waltzing back to their mansions, like we're some reject pile that they can step on!"

Kate continued to give the bus hope that we could fight back somehow. Soon, Simon had started a shadyside chant that pained my head. Mine and Deena's head turned at the sound of a car horn from behind the bus. We both rose to our feet when we saw who was in the tailgating car.

Sam and those Sunnyvale assholes.

"Goddamn Sunnyvale's" she sighed as one of them threw a beer bottle at the back door, sending us both back in shock.

"Guys! Get over here!" I yelled as I tried to get everyone's attention. Simon and Kate ran to our sides.

"You've got to be kidding me" Kate complained.

Simon questioned, "Hey, isn't that..."

"Sam" Deena finished. "Y/n, help me with the cooler" I didn't think, I just helped my friend get revenge on those pricks without thinking twice. "Open the door" She instructed Kate who didn't move. "Open the door!"

My conscience then started to kick in. "This is definitely not a good idea" But Deena wasn't responding. Then, her nose began to bleed. "Deena?!"

My grip loosened on the bucket and so did Deena's. We lost control of it, causing it to hit on the windshield of the Sunnyvaler's. Their car began to swerve out of control until it drove off of the rode and into the woods — crashing.

Deena panicked and screamed. "Stop the bus!

When the bus came to a halt, Deena, Kate, Simon, and I ran to the scene. There, we found Sam crawling away from the beaten car. Deena was quick to seen if she was alright.

"Oh shit!" Simon exclaimed as he got a good look at Sam's injury. A hell of a lot worse than mine.

"Real nice, Simon." I sighed.

"Ok, we should not be down here." Kate panicked.

"Shut up, help me carry her!" Deena begged.

"We need to leave, like ten minutes ago."

Simon got closer to Sam and Deena became protective. "Hey! I got this. Chill out." He looked back to Sam. "I got this" She nodded her head as he lifted up three fingers. "How many fingers am I holding up?"

She rolled her eyes. "Three"

"See, she's fine-" He was cut off by her spitting up blood all over his shirt.

There conversation and groans in disgust became a blur to me as blue, red, and white colors came into view. Shit. If Goode knew I was a part of this, he might never let me live with him. Okay, okay. Don't panic. I'm sure if I sneak back onto the front of the bus, it'll look like I was nowhere near the cooler. I slipped away from my friends and did my best to sneak onto the bus without being seen, but it didn't take long for me to be spotted.

"Y/f/n" Goode sighed as I halted in my tracks. "Why am I not surprised?" I slowly turned around to face him. His look of disappointment killed me. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

"I uh-, I-" my words were scattered and my breath was shaky. Usually I'm good at lying, but I've never been in a situation like this. I cleared my throat, "The car crashed."

He glared at me, "Was it pursuing you?"

Song - "Forever : Labrinth"

"Um, I-" I felt as though I had forgotten how to breath and was ready to pass out. I was about to lose my last chance at staying in Shadyside. Holy shit. He soon caught onto my uneasiness.

"Woah, woah, woah." He said as he sat me down at the edge of the bus. "Take a deep breath. Relax."

"I understand if you don't want me to stay with you anymore."

He scoffed, "Y/n, this changes nothing. I'd still be more than happy to have you stay with me. That is, if you are comfortable with it."

"More than anything" I sighed in relief.

"Good. I had my one of my officers pack some of your things for you to move in tonight. The sooner the better, given the current situation. If you want, we can drop by and pick up the rest of your things tomorrow. I assume you've had enough for one night, so just meet me by my car and I'll drive us both home."

"Thank you, Sheriff Goode"

"And maybe you and your friends were just, um...goofing around." He winked before going to chat with the others as they emerged from the woods.

Everyone was questioned and everyone gave the same answer. It was an accident. By the time everything was over, kids began to pile back onto the bus to head back to the school and then home. Simon wrapped his arm around my shoulder as he walked us back to the bus with Deena and Kate. I quickly pulled away as I wasn't getting on the bus.

"What the hell?" Simon asked through a laugh.

"Aren't you coming, y/n?" Kate asked.

"I'm actually gonna catch a ride with a...friend."

"That didn't sound very reassuring." Simon gasped, "Are you being held against your will? Quick, blink three times if you need help!"

"Simon, relax. I'm fine. I'll see you all for babysitting this weekend" I smiled before heading over to Goode's car. I didn't get inside until I saw that all of my friends had entered the bus. I didn't want them to know I was staying with the sheriff. I would then have to explain why I'm staying with him. It might also come across as strange and I wouldn't want them to think I was sleeping with him.

God, that'd be weird.


Song - "unwanted : SPEECHLESS"

Goode drove us both to his house that turned out to be larger and more extravagant than I had ever anticipated. The interior was filled with ram decorations and overall fancy decor. I simply couldn't believe my eyes. I never thought a sheriff salary could afford this. Maybe having a mayor as a brother has its perks.

"C'mon, I'll show you your room." He said as he lead me upstairs to the guest bedroom. "I know it's not much, but it's the only guest bedroom I have. I renovated the others into offices and...such." He explained. His words meant nothing though. The room looked to be larger than my shitty apartment. Oh my fucking god!

"You can't be serious. This room is probably worth more than my life" I laughed.

"I'm glad you like it. Now, I have some paper work to fill out, so I'll be in my office should you need something. My bedroom is just next door and the kitchen is downstairs. Don't be afraid to ask for anything, this is your house too."

I don't know what came over me, but I was too happy not to. I wrapped my arms around him to thank him for his generosity. It took him a moment to catch onto the situation before snaking his arms around my waist.

"Thank you, sheriff-"

"Nick." He laughed, "You can call me Nick."

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