Chapter Four

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I woke up in the middle of the night. It was strange. I was laying in a nicer bed than ever and resided in a room that didn't smell like smoke, and yet, I couldn't sleep. I suppose I was just used to the environment at home that this all was still very new to me.

    I slipped from the bed and found my way downstairs to get a glass of water. Maybe that'll ease my restlessness. Once done, I sat myself down at the kitchen island, beneath the warm light above me. I listened to my surroundings.


    Not a sound to be heard as compared to the noise I used to endure every night thanks to my considerate neighbors.

    Once I downed the glass, I washed it in the sink and returned it to its rightful spot in the cabinet along with the others. If I was going to live here, it seemed only fitting that I pull my weight in cleaning up. Who knows, maybe he'll even let me cook dinner at some point. Oh who am I kidding. I can't be trusted to cook.

    I was still wide awake and took it upon myself to look around. It was 2:31AM, Nick was probably asleep after a long day of work. As I passed through the living room, I came across a shelve of photographs. Graduation, family pictures, and chilling picture of what I can only assume to be him and his brother at Camp Nightwing in 78'. My father and aunt attended that camp that very same year. The year of Thomas Slater. My dad got away that night — his sister wasn't so fortunate though. I wonder if Nick knew either of them.

    I set the picture back down and continued to look around. I then found a family tree. The Goode family tree, dating all the way back to Solomon Goode. Goddamn this man has a lot of family history.

    I made my way back to the kitchen to turn off the lights before heading back upstairs. My head writhed in pain from the fight and I sat back down at the island for a moment. Once the pain went away, I was prepared to take my leave — that is, until I felt a pair of lips brush against my neck. They trailed down my neck and along my shoulder, eventually moving my t-shirt straps out of the way to expose more skin. As he bit along my collarbone with every kiss, I couldn't help but let out a small moan. "Nick-"

With that, I shot awake. Holy shit. Did I just dream about Nick Goode?

    I made my way downstairs to grab breakfast and was greeted with the smell of coffee and pancakes. Nick sat at the island with a coffee in hand as he watched the daily news. His gaze then shifted to me as I entered the room.

"Oh, hey. How'd you sleep?"

    "Good" I lied. What was I supposed to say? 'Eh, it was okay. The only good part about it was dreaming that you and I almost had sex.' I mean- never mind.

"That's good. Well, I have the day shift today. So, I'll be leaving soon and tomorrow I have the night shift, so I'll be here all day and out all night tomorrow."

"I have to babysit with my friends, Simon and Kate, tomorrow night." I didn't think bringing up the fact that Simon was my boyfriend would be really necessary.

"I can drive you if you want, it's not that big of a deal."

"It's fine. I can skateboard, it's not that far-" with that I remembered I don't live two minutes away from their houses anymore. "Actually, that doesn't seem like the worst idea. Are you sure it's not too much trouble?"

"Not at all"

    I shot him a smile as we both turned to the TV. The reporter was going on about recent news about the shadyside mall murder. The murderer turned out to be a fellow shadyside high schooler, Ryan Torres. He was my Chemistry partner last year. We were really good friends for a while.

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