Chapter Nine

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So, I got my wish. Sam would be dying tonight after all — just not permanently. We drove quickly to Grab and Bag, Simon's place of work. We planned to have Sam OD just like his brother Timothy. If we use the same technic and the same drugs, we may be able to bring her back.

    We all gathered around the pharmacy section as Simon laid out all of the candies before us.

    "A few months ago, my brother Timothy had an unfortunate experience in which he ingested too much of a certain substance. He was dead for two minutes. But...we got him back!" Kate began to separate the drugs as Simon explained the plan of action. "You need to take these in order. Pile one takes the edge off. You're gonna feel like you're being fucked by a unicorn. Pile two is gonna bring your core temp way down. You may feel slightly sick. You need to take a five-minute interval between pile two and pile three. That's really important, ok? Pile three brings you down and out, so you gotta take that "take five" or it's all gonna go to shit!"

How many of these do we have?" Kate asked, holding up a few EpiPens.

"Tons. Like a thousand."

"Wait. EpiPens?" Deena queried.

"Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline. This is what brings her back. This is Jesus!" Simon sounded a little too excited about this. Was he already on something?

    We covered ourselves with bits of Sam's blood as a way to distract the killers so we could give Deena enough time to kill her. I was now feeling more scared than ever. Simon and Josh had back door patrol while Kate and I had the front.

    When we were all ready, it was all about playing the waiting game until they showed up.

"Kate, I'm scared." Kate had always been like a big sister to me. She was only a few months older, but that didn't matter. She was the big sister I never had.

She wrapped her arm around me. "I too. It'll be ok though. We'll all get out of this and we can spin this into a pretty sick college essay." She managed to crack a smile out of me. "Soon enough we'll be back to cheerleading at stupid Sunnyvale games, you and I will complain about said games, and you can keep going on stupid dates with Simon-"

"I slept with Nick Goode" I blurted out. I needed to tell someone other than Simon. If we were gonna die tonight, I just needed to get it off my chest myself.

"You did what?"

"I...slept with Sheriff Goode"

"Oh my god...oh my god! Y/f/n, I never thought I'd see the day!" She said all cheery as she jumped up and down.

"'re not mad?" I asked, very confused.

"Mad? I'm thrilled! I just never would've expect the sheriff but-" She was cut off by the entrance of the killers.

They were here.

    We soon heard a commotion from where Deena and Sam were. We rushed over to the scene where Kate distracted the Skull Mask killer from killing Sam. She seemed to have that pretty well under control and advised me to help Deena carry Sam away from the threats. I took her word and did as she said as she lead the killer away from us.

    The pills were scattered. Great. What were we gonna do now? As we struggled to find a way to kill Sam, I halted us in our tracks as I spotted the empty lobster tank down the aisle.

"How does drowning sound?" I asked.

Deena nodded and we both dragged Sam's body over to the tank.

"I'll keep a lookout, you take care of this." Deena explained before backing away. I could tell she didn't wish to take part in her lover's killing. I on the other hand had no problem with it.

"Ready?" I asked her.

"Don't act too excited." She laughed. "Look, I'm sorry for everything I did. I didn't mean to hurt anyone by moving away. I know you don't like me, but thank you for staying."

"The only reason I stayed is because I know how much you mean to Deena. Otherwise I would've let you die. But then again, I guess we can both come to an agreement that we'd do anything for Deena." She flashed me a smile and for once, I didn't hate her. "We will bring you back...I promise."

    Now for what I've been waiting to do for a long time. I took ahold of her head and submerged it into the water. She was a fighter, that's for sure. She just wouldn't seem to die. I wasn't sure how long this was going to take, but we were running out of time.

"Y/n, hurry!" Deena screamed as joined me in holding Sam's head down. That was when I looked up to see both Slater and Ruby coming straight for us. Skull Mask was prepared to jump on Josh in one of the aisles. What had happened to Simon and Kate? Where were they?

    As I felt the soul leave Sam's body, I caught a glimpse that would haunt me forever. Both Kate and Simon...were dead. Two of my best friends were gone and I couldn't move. Deena's muffled voice didn't even move me as she dragged Sam's lifeless body from the tank to the floor. I couldn't move. They didn't deserve this. Part of the only family I had ever known...was gone.

    Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Sam spitting up water at the relief that she was alive once again. How fortunate that she got to live, but Simon and Kate didn't, along with the many others that were murdered tonight. At least Deena wouldn't have to suffer through the pain of losing a loved one.

Sam's voice then spoke up, "I'm so sorry, y/n."

    I couldn't even look at her. I bolted from the store and ran all the way home. Tears blurred my vision and it began to rain, heavily. My attire was soaked by the time I entered the house. Nick quickly came running to the door. He was still in his uniform.

"Y/n, oh thank god! I've been out looking for you all night! What happened?!" He wrapped me in his embrace as I collapsed in tears.

A/n - Thank you guys so much for 1k! This is probably my favorite story I've ever written so I hope ur liking it so far🥰 I'm always open to suggestions in the comments.

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