Chapter Ten

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Song - "Je te laisserai des mots : Patrick Watson"

I woke up at 1pm. Can't say that I'm surprised after the events of last night . Oh how I wish I could forget them. This is the kind of shit you would need therapy for. I'll never go to therapy though. It's stupid and a waste of money.

As I sat up from the bed, I heard a knock at the door. Nick then entered the room with a glass of water in hand. He sat down before me as he handed me the glass.

"Feeling any better?" He asked as his arms held him up around my legs.

"Not really."

"You ready to talk about it?" I didn't answer. "I figured." He took a deep breath. "We found the bodies last night. I just got back from questioning your friends who are all very worried about you. I'm so sorry, y/n. I know you were close with them. But the story is that the two drug addicts..."

"Kate and Simon?"

"Yes. Kate and Simon...simply went crazy." I couldn't believe that after everything they had done, they had to take the fall for it all. I wasn't going to fight this though. The true story would never sound believable and I'd be listed as insane. "I took the rest of the day off to stay home with you. We can watch Higher and Higher again, if you want?"

"I think I'm just gonna sleep for today" I explained.

He gave me an apologetic smile. "Okay." He then gave me a small kiss before heading for the door. "Just call if you need anything."


My day was exactly as I had said. I slept all day and did my best to push away all thoughts of last night. I needed a distraction of some sorts, so I decided to head downstairs for dinner. The smell of freshly cooked pasta greeted me on my way down the stairs. I found Nick finishing up his cooking as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh good. You're awake." He exclaimed as he pulled me in for a kiss.

"Smells amazing." I complemented.

"I thought it'd get you out of bed."

"I should've figure it was a trap." I laughed as I began to set the table for us.

"Feels like forever since I heard you laugh."

"Well...thank you for being so patient with me."

"Of course. I know what it's like to lose a friend" My head shot back to him in confusion. "I won't get into it right now. It was a long time ago. Maybe another day."

We sat down and ate dinner, he also managed to make me forget all about my recent events. That was one of the things that I loved about Nick. He always knew how to make me smile. Wait- did I just say I loved Nick? Oh fuck.

When both of our plates were empty, I volunteered myself to clean up by taking both of our dishes to the sink. I could feel his eyes on my as I walked away to the kitchen. My heart rate increased with every step.

I reached the sink and began to scrub away the excess food until they were freshly cleaned. I then felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and kisses trailing down my neck.

"Nick" I moaned before turning around to face. His eyes always seemed to have some sort of control over me. I never tried to fight it.

Why would I ever want to?

"How'd I get so lucky?" He smiled as he admired my face.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?" I scoffed.

"Always so humble" He shook his head before kissing me for a brief moment. It's moments like this that made life worth living to me. It makes me happy that I survived.

"I'm gonna go wash-up for bed."

"I'll meet you up there. I just have to take care of something real quick."

"Always working, sheriff." I laughed as I made my way upstairs. Maybe I would be able to overcome these nightmare events. As long as I have Nick around, that might just be possible. I was slowly learning that he was my safety net.

Song - "We Belong : Dove Cameron"

I brushed my teeth and changed into one of Nick's sweatshirts for bed. They sure were comfier than any of the ones I owned. As I waited for Nick, I took it upon myself to admire his record collection. There had to have been more than a thousand records here and most of them were Christmas related. I pulled out one of Bing Crosby's Christmas records as Nick entered the room.

"Sure are a lot of Christmas records out when Halloween is just around the corner." I teased.

Nick sat on the bed and shot me a look. "Well, Christmas is the superior holiday." I then crawled on top of him as I agreed.

"Mmh-mmh" I attached around lips as I straddled him on the bed. He broke apart for a moment to just look at me. "What?"

"'s just...I can't wait to spend Christmas with you."

"...And New Years and Valentines Day and Thanksgiving..." I continued until he cut me off with a kiss.

"What I mean is...I can't wait to spend every new moment with you, y/n." he rephrased.

I smiled back into our kiss. His tongue explored my mouth as his hands traveled up my sweatshirt.

"Little thief" he laughed as he took notice to me wearing his sweatshirt.

"No more teasing" I begged and he sighed, "Fine."

He tore down my underwear in a swift movement before relieving himself of his own boxers. His lightly massaged my folds with his tip before I slid down onto him. Like usual, it took me a moment to adjust to his size, but when I did, it was nothing but glorious pleasure for both of us. This was different than our first night together as I was now in control. He gripped my waist tightly that it'll bruise by morning. It would become a reminder that I was branded by his touch. It only turned me on even more. I tangled my fingers into his hair as I rode him and pulled his head back to kiss him. His moans became music to my ears.

"Fuck, Y/n." He mumbled. "Faster."

I ignored his request and stay at my agonizing pace. I liked seeing him fall apart like this. When he had had enough, his eyes grew darker with lust. I had a small laughing fit as he flipped me over. Now he was on top. His hand made its way around my throat, slightly cutting off airway. "I thought we agreed, no more teasing." He grinned.

"I said no more teasing me. I didn't say anything about not teasing you, sheriff."

"You're on very thin ice, Princess."

The nickname sent shivers down my back and he soon started up again with a pace that satisfied his needs. I could feel my orgasm starting to build. It only took a few more of his harsh thrusts for me to climax, crying out loudly. He followed behind not long after. He rolled down next to me as we both attempted to catch our breaths.

I couldn't help but laugh at this new reality.

"What?" Nick smiled.

"Nothing...just..." I flipped over to face him. "I never imagined I'd be here."

"What? At my house?...In my bed?"

"No!" I smiled as I brushed a piece of hair out of his face. "...happy"


When we cleaned ourselves up, it didn't take long for either of us to doze off to sleep. A few hours later, I headed downstairs to grab water. I was also feeling a bit of guilt that wouldn't allow me to sleep. I thought back to Deena and how much I had hurt her by trying to kill Sam. We never even got the chance to talk about it as I bolted out of the store when all was over. I wasn't going to be able to sleep with this weight one my shoulders.

I needed to make things right.

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