Chapter 13

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You will keep looking while I'm away, won't you?" said Teddy. "And send me an owl if you find anything." It was now the day before the holidays and Harry and the other first year Slytherins were finishing lunch in the great hall. "Don't worry Teddy," Draco answered in his usual drawling tone, "finding this Famel will be our top priority," he lied. Harry chuckled knowing full well he would have to drag Draco to the library if he wanted any help. "Teddys got a point Draco," Daphnie interjected, "so far we have only worked through 1 section and merlin only knows how many are left". Draco sighed, "it's the Christmas holidays," Draco said, "do you really expect us to spend it searching the library for something that is none of our business". It was Daphnia's turn to sigh, "don't worry Daphnia, I'll make sure he helps "Harry promised. Draco glared at Harry and mouthed the word traitor while Daphnia smiled sweetly. "Has any of you got any plans for the holidays" Draco asked. Pansy was first to answer, "Daddy is taking us to our chateau in the northern France". "My parents have rented a house in Ireland for the holidays," Teddy said, not taking his eyes off the current book he had taken from the library. "Well, I am not doing anything quite as spectacular but we are attending a New Year's Ball in London" Daphnia said. Harry was impressed, his friends seemed to all have different ways of celebrating the festive season. He was also amazed at how wealthy his friends really were, "I really should have my accounts looked at" Harry thought to himself. Harry knew he had money, quite a bit of it at that but he never thought to look deeper into his financial situation. He made a mental note to ask Draco if he could ask his father to look into it.

The next morning Harry helped Teddy packed up the many books he insisted he needed into his trunk. At breakfast Draco received a letter from his parent's which, after reading it himself, he thrust into Harrys hands.

Dear Draco

While we will dearly miss you tis Christmas we understand why you choose to stay at Hogwarts. Please know we are most proud of you and please pass on our love to Harry as well.

Love, Mother and Father

Harry smiled, "good to know your parents won't hate me because you stayed" he chuckled, handing the letter back to Draco. After Breakfast it was time to say goodbye to his friends. Hugging both Daphine and Pansy he gave Teddy a firm handshake. Before long it was just him and Draco in the common room, they spent the day playing exploding snap and later on in the day they started some of their holiday home work. Draco also started teaching Harry wizard chess. This was exactly like Muggle chess except that the figures were alive, which made it a lot like directing troops in battle. Harry played with chessmen Teddy had lent him before he left, and they didn't trust him at all. He wasn't a very good player yet and they kept shouting different bits of advice at him, which was confusing. "Don't send me there, can't you see his knight? Send him, we can afford to lose him."

On Christmas Eve, Harry went to bed looking forward to the next day for the food and the fun, but not expecting any presents at all. When he woke early in the morning, however, the first thing he saw was a rather large pile of packages at the foot of his bed. Astonished he climbed out of bed and went to investigate. Draco rose moments later, yawing wildly, he looked over to see Harry inspecting the name cards on the bundle of presents. "Happy Christmas mate" he said tiredly, getting out of bed to inspect his own haul. Noticing that Harry still looked a bit uncertain about his bundle of presents. "Blimy Harry there not going to bite you" Draco said, tearing open one of his many gifts. Harry looked up to Draco, "it's just I never got any presents before" he mumbled, "and I never even got any of you anything". Draco looked a bit ticked off, "you mean to say those Muggles never gave you any presents" he asked. Harry shock his head, "I wasn't allowed out of my cupboard for the majority of the day" Harry said, "only to watch Dudley unwrap his gifts in the morning and help my aunt prepare Christmas dinner in the evening". Draco looked positively livid, "well that's over now Harry" he said, kneeling down beside his friend, "were your real family, me and the others". Harry felt the blood rush to his ears, maybe Professor McGonagall was right, your house is like your family. Smiling happily Harry tore into his presents. He had gotten gifts from all his friends, including a present form Mr and Mrs Malfoy and one from Scorbius. As her mother was a wizarding fasion designer, Daphine had sent a whole new wardored, there was everything from shoes to jackets, pijamas and underwear and even a new pair of glasses. Harry had seen kids from his muggle school wearing glasses similer to these,they glasses were jet black geeky style. Taking of his old ones, the ones aunt Petunie had found in a charity shop, he put on the new ones and almost immeditly Harry noticed the differenece. His vision was ten times better now, rumaging through the other clothes packages he found the card. Written in daphinas neat hand writing it said,

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