Chapter 16

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Once term had started, they were back to skimming through books for ten minutes during their breaks. Harry had even less time than the others, because Quidditch practice had started again. Flint was working them to the bone, through the endless rain that had replaced the snow, flint never let up. Flint was becoming a fanatic it was clear to see, but Harry was on his side. If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff they would have yet another year where the quidditch cup was draped in sliver and green. Quite apart from wanting to win, Harry found that he had fewer nightmares when he was tired out after training. One wet and muddy evening Flint practically glided into the changing room. "Hey hey Flint, what's got you in such a good mood" Pucey called. Flint was smirking a most devilish smirk, "good news lads, our very own Professor Snape will be referring the next match" he called. The changing room erupted in thunderous apolus, Harry even heard Miles Bletchley cat calling. It took some time before Flint was able to settle everyone down, "All right lads calm down" he called at last. "Now just cause its Snape doesn't mean we can slack of now or anything" he warned, "I want everyone here to show our head of house what were made off" he called, "rack up the points and squash those duffers" he yelled. The team erupted in a chorus of "UP SLYTHERIN!" which carried on the whole way out to the mud-covered pitch.

The practice was long and gruelling, so Harry treated himself to an extra-long shower. The changing room was empty when Harry entered but, on his way out he spied Flint and Pucey snogging behind a nearby tree. Not wanting to seem like a peeping tom Harry sprint back up to the school. Harry found his friends in the library. Searching the stacks once again for Famel. "Hey Harry, good practice" Pansy asked, pulling an extremely large book from a shelf. Harry nodded, "great actually, Flint said that Professor Snape will be referring the next match against Hufflepuff". "Aww wicked" Draco whispered, "the Quidditch cup is ours again". Turning to Daphnia, who, for a first year, was on top of all the gossip at Hogwarts, he asked "did you know Flint and Pucey were a thing". Daphnia smirked, "of course I did, its basically public knowledge". Harry sighed, is he really that oblivious to theses things. Just as they were about to leave Neville Longbottom came wandering in. Harry say Draco smirk in a most sickening way. "well well well what have we got here" Draco said in his mocking tone, "little far from Griffindor tower arnt we Longbottom". Teddy and Pansy moved to flank Draco,"whats the matter Longbottom, gonna cry" Pansy mocked. Infact poor Longbottom did look as though he was going to cry. "Leave me alone Malfoy, I only want to go into the library" Longbottom stuttered. Harry couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor lad, even Daphnia didn't look to comfortable. "How you ever got put in Griffindor is a wonder" Draco said, discreetly pulling his wand out of his pocket.

Longbottom couldn't meet Draco's eye but muttered something along the lines of "just leave me alone". "Locomotor Wibbly" Draco said, pointing his wand at Longbottom's legs.

Longbottom fell to the ground, laying in a heap on the ground, Draco, Pansy and Teddy all began to laugh as they made there way of to dinner. Daphnia followed, wearing a nutural expression but Harry stayed behind. Longbottom now looked like as though he was about to wet himself. Harry simply pointed his wand at Longbottom's legs and muttered the counter curse before hurrying of after his friends. Catching up to the others Harry noticed they were still giggling happily at Longbottom's expense. Harry grabbed Draco's arm and pulled him into him aside, telling the others they're catch up. "Careful Harry you'll crinkle my jumper" Draco protested, pulling his arm out of Harry's grip. "What was that all about back there" Harry asked, motioning back in the direction of the library. Draco chuckled, "oh that" he said nonesgountly, "just a bit of light hearted fun". "Light hearted fun, Draco what you did is what you did is bullying" Harry exclaimed, "its cruel and unusual and I don't want ot be part of it." By this point Draco looked a little shell shocked, but Harry didn't care, he needed Draco to see what he was doing is wrong. "Longbottom has never done anything to any of us and yet we treat him like dirt". Draco was at a loss for words, it was clear no-one had ever confronted him like this before. "Harry mate I am sorry... really, I didn't know you felt this strongly about it" Draco said, looking genuinely remorseful."Really I... I....I am sorry, really, I am" Draco stammered. Harry took a deep breath, "I am sorry to, I don't know it's just the way we treat Longbottom reminds me of the way my cousin Dudley treats me". Draco's face fell and the two stood in awaked since for what felt like a lifetime.

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