Chapter 6

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The next morning was Saturday so the first year Slytherins enjoyed a lay in. It was around noon before they raised and after meeting up in the common room they headed up for an early lunch. Harry began filling Pansy and Daphnia in on last nights events as they ascended the stairs into the entrance hall, when Draco made a beeline straight for Ron Weasley. Harry and the others hurried after him as Draco caught up with him as he was about to ascend the marble staircase. "Well if it isn't the cowardly Griffindor" Draco said in a mocking tone, Weasley turned around but paled slightly when he say Draco and the others. "What's wrong Weasley, didn't think to tells us you sent Flich in your place " Teddy spat. "It wasn't my fault" Weasley said shyly, "Hermione threaten to tell Professor McGonnagall if we left". "Oh so do you let all the mud bloods make decisions for you" Pansy asked scarcastly, "or is this one just special". Weasley didn't say anything and instead just stomped away up the marble stairs. The rest of the day was spent doing homework and relaxing in the common room.

After dinner that evening Harry met with Marcus Flint as Professor Snape had instructed him to do. Flint was a tall, brooding fifth year who was not really gifted in the looks department. "So Potter Professor Snape says your good" he said, eyeing Harry up. "Suppose you got the build for a seeker" he mumbled, "but you'll have to get a broom" he said aloud, "nimbuses or clean sweep 11 should do". Harry grinned, "my new Nimbuses 2000 should be here on Monday morning" he said proudly. Flint gifted him a small smirk, "come by practice on Tuesday, 7 o'clock, and we will see what your really made of".

The rest of the weekend passed without much excitement and soon enough it was Monday morning. Harry excitedly lead his friends up to breakfast that morning in anticipation of the arrival of his new broom. Too excited to eat Harry merely nibbles on a slice of toast until he heard the fimirly sound of the postal owls. 6 large owls carried a long package in the direction of the Slytherin table, dropping the package in front of Harry. Harry hurriedly tore the note of the package and read:

Dear Mr Harry Potter

Thank you for choosing Nimbuses for your flying experience, please find Inclosed a copy of your warnity and guarantee.


Mrs Emily Smith, Head of Sales at Nimbuses Co.

Harry eagerly showed Draco the note, "let's go open it before class" Draco said eagerly. Harry, followed by Draco and Teddy, hurried out of the great hall but had the displeasure of coming face to face with Ron Weasley at the foot of the marble staircase. " What you got there Potter" Weasley asked nastily, grabbing the package from Harry. Weasley felt up the package, "that's a broom stick" he spat, a mixture of jealousy and spite on his face. Draco snatched the broom back from Weasley and handed it back to Harry, "it's not any old broom stick Weasley, it's a Nimbuses 2000". Weasleys face dropped, "Now Draco" Teddy said smoothly, "Weasley here couldn't afford half the handle" he said cockily, "he probably has to save up twig by twig". Weasley turned an awful shade of pink but before he could say anything, tiny little Professor Flitwick appeared from behind Draco. "Not arguing I hope" he said in squeaky voice. "Potters been sent a broom stick" Weasley said quickly tattling on Harry. "Yes, that's right" Flitwick said, beaming at Harry, "Severus told me about the special circumstances" he said joyfully, "what model is it?" "A Nimbuses 2000, Professor" Harry said proudly, fighting not to laugh a the look of horror on Weasleys face. " Madam Hooch noticed my flying ability during a...incident on the quidditch pitch" Harry explained. "Very good Potter, I'll be on my way then" Flitwick said turning and heading of to the great hall. Harry, Draco and Teddy shoved past Weasley and made their way down to the Slytherin common room.

Harry aloud the broom to fall out on his bed.Even Harry, who knew nothing about broomsticks, thought it looked wonderful. Sleek and shiny, with a mahogany handle, it had a long tail of neat, straight twigs and Nimbus Two Thousand written in gold letters near the top. "It's bloody brilliant" Draco said envysly.

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