Chapter 2

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Finally, the day Harry was both dreading and anxiety awaiting came, potions with his head of house Professor Severus Snape.

Snape had come to the common room on their second night at Hogwarts and said he probably introduce himself once he had accessed them in his class.

He had of course been in the common most nights since then but only acknowledged them with a brief nod.

After Defence, Scorbius and Jessie escorted them down to the dungeons.

"Now this is the last class we will be escorting you two so good luck" Jessie said warmly.

"Remember, Snape loves questions" Scorbius said seriously, "so be prepared.

A two-man work desk sat on either side of the row leading up to Snape desk.

The Slytherins filled the seats at the front while the chartering Gryffindor's bustled in.

After a couple of seconds, the door was thrown open then slammed closed with a bang and in walked the greasy haired Professor Snape.

His long black cloak swayed behind him as he strides to the front of the class.

Snape poke up a journal Harry had seen all the teachers using to take resignation and began to call the roll.

Like Flitwick, Snape stopped on Harry's name, cold black eyes meet brilliant green ones.

"Ah...Harry Potter.... our new celebrity" he said softly.

Out of the conour of his eye Harry could see Ron Weasley sniggering with his Irish friend.

He finished taking the roll and looked up to face the class.

"I am here to teach you the subtle science and exact art of potion making" Snape said in a whisper, "as little foolish wand waving is needed many of you may feel that this isn't magic".

"If you are not as big as the bunch of dunderheads as I am used to teaching you will exile in my class" Snape said, not once taking his eyes of the class.

"I can teach you to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper on death" Snape said, the whole class seemed to be on their edge of their seats at this point.

"Potter" Snape suddenly said, startling Harry and many others, "what would I get if I added powered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood"?

He knew this on, "a sleeping potion sir" Harry answered.

Snapped glared at him, "tell me Mr Potter, where would you find a bezoar"?

"The throat of a goat sir" Harry answered.

Snape merely turned his head to the sniggering Weasley, "tell me Weasley" he questioned," what is the difference between wolfbane and monkshood".

Weasley looked like a deer caught in headlights, "I dunno sir" he answered.

"Tut tut" Snaped mocked, "5 points from Gryffindor and 10 to Slytherin".

The rest of the lesson was taken up by Snapes questions, he was trying to root out who knew what.

By the lunch Slytherin was up 30 points and Gryffindor were down 20.

"That was traumatising" Harry moaned, as he and the other first Slytherins assented the stairs into the castle proper.

The Great Hall was of course filled with students, the Slytherins took theirs seats with the rest of their house and dove in.

"As long as Snape keeps abusing the Gryffindor's he can be as scary as he wants" Teddy said, in between mouth fulls of his sandwich.

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