Chapter 4

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Draco was utterly speechless once Harry had told him what Snape had said.

"That is unbelievable Harry I am so glad for you" Pansy said excitedly, wrapping Harry in a tight embrace.

"You'll have to get a broom" Teddy said, setting aside his English homework.

Harry let out a sigh, "I never even thought of that" Harry moaned.

"It'll have to be a Nimbuses 2000" Daphnia said, joining the conversation, "daddy owns stock in Nimbuses, I am sure I can get you a discount".

Harry gave Daphnia a smile, "thanks Daphnia".

"We'll have to get your order in as soon as possible" Draco said, finally coming out of his state of shock.

"I'll have to get Scorbius to show me to the owlery tomorrow" Harry said, "and maybe get his advice on how to phrase the letter".

Finally getting back to the tremendous amount of homework they had, chatting aimlessly about the outcome of Harry making the team.

When walking up the marble stairs the next morning the first year Slytherins had an unfortunate run with Ron Weasley.

"Quickly everyone "he said to his fellow Gryffindor's, "get your autograph before Potter is shipped of" he laughed.

"Oh, shut up Weasley" Draco said in a bored voice, "I am not in the mood to deal with you before breakfast".

Ron glared a Draco, "stay out of this Malfoy" he demanded, "and give Neville back his Remembrall".

Draco smirked, "that idiot shouldn't have dropped it then" he said, a smirk spreading across his pale face.

"We both know that's a lie" Weasley spat.

"Oh, come on Ron and not cause a scene in the entrance hall" a bushy haired girl said, tugging slightly on Weasleys arm.

"Yes, Ron along with your little Mudblood friend" Pansy sneered, the girls face completely dropped and she ran off backup the marble stair case.

"You evil Slytherin..." Weasley began before Harry cut him off, "don't talk to Pansy like that".

"Sticking up for your girlfriend Potter, how sweet" he mocked.

Harry felt his ears heat up and out of the conor of his eye he could see a small blush creep up Pansy's cheeks.

"Enough Weasley, let's prove who's the better" Theo said wisely, stepping between Harry and Ron, "Wizards duel... midnight in the trophy room".

Weasley looked a bit out of, "fine" he finally said turning to the two boys behind him, "Seamus is my second".

"And I am Harry's" Draco said, a wicked looked flickered across his grey eyes.

Finally, the first Slytherins were able to get to breakfast after Weasley stocked off.

Once sat at the house table Harry turned to Theo, "what exactly is a wizards duel?" he asked.

Daphnia let out a slight snigger, "you've really done it now Theo".

Theo didn't seem put off, "all you have to do is duel Weasley and win" he said, as though it were as simple as tying your shoe.

"Draco's just they're in case you die" he added, hearing this Harry spat Pumpkin juice all over the front of Draco's Daily Profit.

"What" he demanded, pressing a napkin to his mouth, Theo smirked, "don' worry Harry were only first years, the worst any of you will get is a nose bleed" he laughed.

Before Harry could give Theo a proper telling of for getting him into a duel, the bell rang and the first year Slytherins hurried of for a much-loved double potion.

As per usual Harry sat next to Pansy and both earned top marks earring Slytherin a nice sum of points while the Gryffindor's, specifically Neville and Ron, lost many points. 

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