Chapter 9

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As they entered the month of November, the weather turned bitter cold. The mountains around the school turned icy grey and the lake like chilled steel. Every morning the grounds was covered in frost. Hagrid could be seen from the upstairs windows, defrosting broomsticks on the Quidditch pitch, bundled up in a long mole-skin overcoat, rabbit-fur gloves and enormous beaver skin boots. The Quidditch season had begun.

On Saturday, Harry would be playing in his first match after weeks of Flints ruthless training: Slytherin versus Gryffindor. If Gryffindor won the match, they would be awarded 50 house points, the 7th year prefects made it very clear to the team that that wasn't to happen. Hardly anyone had seen Harry play because Flint was determined to keep Harry Slytherins secret weapon. His friends kept telling him that he would do great, but deep down he had this sinking feeling that he would crash and burn out on the quidditch pitch. Harry was extremely lucky to have Teddy Nott around because with last minute Quidditch practices added to his schedule he wasn't quite sure he would keep up with his homework. Draco had ordered a book called Quidditch through the ages from Flourish and Blotts that had arrived by owl a few days before the match. He had gifted it to Harry, who found it very interesting and could be seen reading it by the fire in the Slytherin common room.

With the increasingly cold weather the 7th year prefects informed the first year Slytherins that they would soon learn a very old house secret. After dinner on the Thursday before the match Professor Snape had informed the first year Slytherin's to meet him in the potion's classroom. Harry and the others arrived before Snape did but didn't have much time to chat as Snape flung the door open and limped in. Harry nudged Draco, "why you reckon he hasn't healed his leg yet" he asked in a low whisper. Draco merely shrugged and whispered, "talk later" because Snape had called for silence. "As the weather grows colder, I have decided now is the time that I tell you one of our houses oldest secrets" Snape said, pacing in front of the small group. "The self-warming charm will help you battle the cold that these dungeons harbour" he lectured. Snape removed his wand from an inner pocket of his robes, "the incantation is so, Focillo" Snape said pointing his wand first to his feet then drawing it up to his head. "Now it is your turn to try" Snape instructed. Each of the group produced their wands and uttered the incantation and followed the movements Snape had done moments before. Yet not one of them succeed, Professor Snape went round each of them one by one correcting them on what they were doing wrong.  In the end up each student was able to do the charm, "congratulations first years" Snape said, though it didn't seem he had expected anything less than success, " be warned" he added, " this spell is a house secret" he stated, " and that it shall remain, anyone found to have shown this spell to another house, on purpose or by accident shall find themselves at my mercy".  Everyone nodded. "Good" Snape said, a small smirk twitched at the corner of his mouth, "you are dismissed" he announced.  The first year Slytherins pulled out of the potion's classroom, "go on without me "Harry said to Pansy, "I've just got to check something with Snape" he explained once he saw the confused expression on her face. Once he had given her an explanation Pansy smiled sweetly and said, "ok Harry see you their". Harry turned back to the potions classroom and knocked on the door there was a faint "enter". Harry walked in to see Professor Snape now sitting behind his desk. "What can I do from you mister Potter?" Snape asked in his usual, Professor Snape tone.  "It's nothing really sir" Harry stammered, not feeling so confident now that he was alone with his head of house, "your leg sir" he explained, "I... I mean we first years were concerned". "Snape now stood, making sure to cover his injured leg with his long dark robes, "mister Potter I would advise you to not trouble yourself with matters that are of none of you concern" he said smoothly. Harry gulped and toke a step back, "sorry sir it's just one of the house rules is show no weakness outside of the house" Harry said. Harry could have sworn he saw the slightest of twitches on the corner of Snapes mouth. "That it is mister Potter" Snape said, "no need to worry just a sprain will conducting my morning stretches". Harry didn't really believe Snapes answer but decided against questioning him any further. Harry bid Snape goodnight before returning to the common room to share his discovery with the others.

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