Chapter Four

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        "Carina, were leaving!" Sammy calls from downstairs. 

        "Coming!" I reply. I quickly grabbed my phone from off the charger and pick up my backpack. Rushing out the door I run into a bleach blonde wearing all black. I look down to see my sister on the floor."I'm so sorry. I didn't see you there."

        She doesn't make a move to comment or get up, just sits there for a while, glaring at the floor. I'm not really sure what to do since we havn't spoken a word to each other ever since I got back home. So I reach out my hand to help her out. She doesn't think twice before she's shoving my hand to the side and getting up.

        She doesn't look back as she walks away and down the stairs and it upsets me a little. Not that it should since I should have expected things to be that way. I shake my head as if it would help clear away the depressing thoughts that are going on in my head. 

        "Carina, come on!" Sammy's voice calls again.

        I tilt my head up and stand up stright as I make my way down the stairs. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I make sure to wear a smile when I see everyone. As soon as Sammy sees me he starts to pull me towards the car.

        "I can't be late Carina, " he tells me.

        "Such a worry wart. School doesn't start for another twenty minutes, Sammy." I say as I get in the car even though I myself am considerably always worried about getting to school. Sammy usually isn't, and he's always been that way. The boy who doesn't try at the beginning, but somehow manages to get everything running smoothly by the end of the year and end up with a B. So I don't understand the change in mood, but I shrug it off as he grumbles his way into the passenger seat.

If Sammy sits in the passenger seat then that means that...

        Jessica opens the door bobbing her head to the loud music that's coming from her headphones and slams the door oblivious to everyone around her. Or more specifically me staring at her, like I'm trying to look through glass but there's too much condensation for the picture to be clear even after you wipe it a billion times. I just wish that I knew who she was now. Why do people make up rumors about her? What are the rumors? What happened to all the friends she had before I left? Why does she dress differently? Is she different? Ha, of-course she'd different idiot. She dresses in all black and is basically isolated form the school. Besides that lanky looking boy she hangs out with.

        I just don't understand she used ot be so popular and everyone in school practically worshipped her. Well at least they did in middle school. Maybe that's it. Maybe when she got to high school she just stopped fitting in. I mean everyone goes through a period of time where they think it's time for a change in their lives. Maybe that's what happened to Jessica, perhaps she finally decided that she was done fitting in. But if that is the case then why is everyone so mean to her...

        "Are you contemplating becoming a high school drop-out?" I jump a little at the voice interrupting me from my thoughts. "Because if so I don't think that mom and dad would be too pleased about having to now take care of there free-loading daughter."

        I turn my head to scowl at Sammy, an am about to tell him that I technically am free-loading. When I'm interrupted, "Not on my watch," retorts my mom. "Now get to school before you make me late for my appointment." I let out an annoyed huff of air as I climb out of the car.

        As soon as the door is shut my mom starts speeding away. Well at least as best as she can in school traffic.

        "Love you too!" I call out towards the car. The least she could have done is said good-bye .

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