Chapter Five

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I don't really remember what I dreamt about this morning, but what I do remember is the loud banging of the door and my name being repeatedly shouted. I try to ignore the obnoxious noises by covering my head with my blanket, but for some reason they wont go away. 

I let out a loud huff of breath and kick off the blankets. I glare at the door that shields me from the person behind my rude awakening then grumble my way towards the door and open it. I'm about to give the person responsible an earful, but instead I find myself on the receiving end of it.

"What the hell, Carina. I've been trying to wake you up for the past ten minutes." Sammy yells at me as I rub the sleep out of my eyes. "We overslept and everyone's gone, which means were walking to school."

My eyes shoot up at his words and I quickly check the alarm clock on my bed hoping that maybe it's not too late. But low and behold in bright red numbers it reads 7:43. Which means I only have about fifteen minutes to get to school. I dig through my drawers and grab the first thing I see.

"If you're not ready in the next five minutes I'm leaving without you." Sammy shouts as he walks away. I don't bother on replying instead I rush towards the bathroom and immediately start squirting toothpaste on my toothbrush. I then start to hop around the bathroom trying to get clothed while still brushing my teeth. 

I cup the water with my hands and splash it on my face a few times. I don't work well with a timed limit. I almost always forget something because of my haste to hurry up and be done. So I have to mentally check off a few things that need to be done and grabbed before leaving the house.

Deodorant. Hair brush. Perfume. Phone. Backpack.

I swipe my eyes over my room again trying to find something that I might be missing before I leave.

"Carina! Come on, lets go!" Sammy calls from downstairs. I let out a huff of breath then quickly slip on my shoes, but I still feel like I'm missing something. I make a last minute decision and grab my grey jacket.

Maybe that was it.

I run down the stairs and towards the front door, to see Sammy standing in the doorway tapping his foot impatiently. I roll my eyes as I walk through the wide open door.

Sammy closes the door behind him and immediately starts power walking down the street. I practically have to run to keep up with him. 

"So where'd everyone go?"

"Dad works today so he left early in the morning and moms probably out trying to 'find herself'." he says putting air quotes on the last words. I scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion, so he elaborates. "That's what she says whenever her and dad argue."

I nod my head in understanding, "And Jessica?"

"Mom probably took her to school. Why she didn't bother getting us up I don't know, but I can't be late. I can already tell this teacher doesn't like me and I don't feel like giving him any ammunition to make my life miserable."

"How can you tell a teacher doesn't like you if it's only day three?"

He slows down his pace for a moment, "I don't know the way he looks at me, I guess. I mean I've only spoken to him a few times, but I don't think he was even listening."

"Sammy that doesn't prove anything. I mean when you were five you thought the cookie monster didn't like you cause he wanted to eat all the cookies." I say as I roll my eyes at him

"Whatever." he grumbles as he starts up his power walking again.

I let out of huff of air and start to run beside him.

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