Chapter 22

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He nodded sluggishly before leaning back in the seat.

3rd POV

Wildcard closed his eyes and started thinking. He thought about Y/n. He thought about her watching the stars, her using her magic, her fighting the aliens.

He thought about what he would tell her. 'I love you' 'come back to me' 'I miss you'.

He thought about their future. Him getting down on one knee and pulling out a ring, him watching her walk down the isle, him watching her hood their baby in the hospital room, then growing older together.

He soon felt tingly. He started seeing flashing lights over the thoughts he had.

And soon he was in her mind.


Y/n's POV

I guess I had fallen asleep after laying back down. Wildcard was right... I was exhausted. I opened my eyes and sat up. I smelt some pancakes.

I got out of bed and started walking to the kitchen. I didn't know where it was so it took me a while.

I walked into the kitchen seeing the older version of my boyfriend. He was sitting at a table with a kid who looked about 5.

I walked in and sat down. I looked at the food and made a face at it. "Mommy! You're awake! Can I say hi to my baby sister?!"

I jumped and looked at the kid. "Uhm... good morning..." I looked at the kid longer. What was his name?

"Babe... are you alright?"

I jumped and looked at Wildcard.

"Uhm... I'm gonna go take a shower."

"Wait! Mommy! What about me saying hi to sissy?"

"Uhm. Come here and say hi..."

The boy ran up and put his hands on my stomach. He put his nose to hit and giggled. "Hi sissy! I'm gonna be such a great big brother to you!"

"Ok sweetie I'm gonna go take a shower. Ok?"

The boy nodded as I walked back to the bedroom.  I closed the door and sighed. "Yep definitely never calling that kid sweetly ever again... too weird."


After my shower I walked back out to the kitchen. Wildcard and the kid were cleaning up.

I walked up behind Wildcard and put my hand on his shoulder. "Babe I'm gonna go outside."

"What are you gonna do?"

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think I might go somewhere. I just need time alone I guess."

He nodded. "Call me if anything happens. I love you."

He leaned down and kissed me

I walked outside and got into a car. I sat there and cringed.


I started driving around when I saw a boy who was familiar. I pulled into a parking lot and got out of the car. I walked over to him and my eyes widened. "Wildcard?"

He looked up at me and gasped. "Y/n?!"

He ran up to me and threw his hands over his mouth. "Why are you pregnant? Did you get married to some other dude? Do we even talk to each other? What's your husbands name? Is he treating you right?"

"Woah! Dude calm down! This isn't even the real me stupid. And yes we are married but it's not even real."

"Oh yeah."


MISTAKE (Wildcard x Reader) part 2 Where stories live. Discover now