11 ~ Three weeks from now

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"Morning gorgeous," Richard smiled as Scarlett stretched her arms out and rolled over to face him.
"Morning equally as gorgeous," she yawned, and Richard laughed, putting his arm out for her.
Scarlett shuffled over so that he had his arm around her, and she buried her face in his chest.
"I was thinking," he said.
"Yeah?" Scarlett mumbled.
"About skiing,"
"What about skiing?"
"I don't know, I was just thinking about it,"
"I've never been skiing before,"
"I love skiing! We should go skiing,"
"Are you being serious or just joking?"
"Do you want me to be serious?"
"Well, yeah,"
"Then I am being serious. We should go skiing."
"Really?" Scarlett looked up at Richard.
"Really." he grinned, and Scarlett laughed before raising an eyebrow.
"Would I have to have lessons?"
"I can teach you, it's not exactly that hard."
"Just wait till you try teaching me," Scarlett laughed.
"So that's a yes then? You'll come skiing with me?" Richard asked.
"Yes! Of course I will, I've always wanted to try skiing!" Scarlett grinned and Richard laughed.
"Well that's good - seeing as I've already bought us tickets for three weeks from now."
"Seriously?" Scarlett asked, and Richard nodded. "You bought them without consulting me first? What if I'd said no?" Scarlett laughed and Richard shrugged.
"I would've felt like an idiot," he laughed, and Scarlett smiled.
"Well it's a good job I agreed then."
"It is indeed." Richard chuckled, kissing Scarlett's forehead as he pulled her closer.


"Skiing?" Ava asked and Scarlett nodded. "That's amazing! I love skiing! Ugh - I'm so jealous. Can I come with?"
"That's what I was thinking about," Scarlett smirked.
"What?" Ava asked, and Scarlett smirked again.
"I was thinking, you and Tom could tag along,"
"Me and Tom? What? I've known him for one night." Ava laughed.
"Yes, but in that one night, he gave you his number, and walked you home. There's clearly something going on there." Scarlett grinned and Ava blushed.
"Oh come on, you know exactly what I'm talking about."
"Fine. But skiing? Together? I mean how do I even ask?" Ava questioned.
"You don't. I have devised a plan." Scarlett laughed.
"Oh God. It's an infamous Scarlett plan. What could possibly go wrong?" Ava mocked, and Scarlett laughed.
"Well I know for a fact that it's already worked."
"What are you on about?" Ava laughed, and then there was a knock at the door.
Scarlett grinned as Ava walked to the door, opening it to Tom.
"Tom?" she asked.
"What? I - come in," Ava stuttered, and let Tom in.
"Hi," he waved to Scarlett before continuing his conversation with Ava.
"I was going to call, but I felt like this was a face-to-face kind of thing." he laughed, gesturing between himself and Ava.
"Wait, what is it then?"
"Would you like to go skiing? With me I mean." Tom mumbled quickly, and Scarlett grinned at Ava's shocked expression.
"Skiing? You and me?"
"Yes. And Richard and Scarlett," Tom smiled, and Ava looked over at Scarlett, who had just recieved a text.
"Oh! And Benedict and Sophie," Scarlett added, pointing to her phone.
"Well - I - er," Ava began.
"Yes, she says yes." Scarlett interrupted.
"Does she?" Tom asked, looking back at Ava.
"She does." Ava grinned, and Tom pulled her into a hug.
"Awwww," Scarlett began, before receiving two identical glares.
"Anyways, I best be going. I am already late for two meetings. I'll call you tonight, okay?" Tom said, reaching for the door.
"Yep," Ava smiled, before waving to him as he left. She turned back to Scarlett.
"What was that? How did you get that to happen? What?" Ava shook her head in disbelief.
Scarlett tapped her nose and Ava laughed.
"Fine, don't tell me."


"Did it work?" Richard asked as Scarlett walked in the door.
"Yep," she grinned, and gave him a hug.
"Great. So it's you and me, Tom and Ava, and Benedict and Sophie."
"Yeah," Scarlett smiled, and Richard nodded.
"I can't wait."
"Me neither."

An Unexpected Meeting - Richard ArmitageWhere stories live. Discover now