15 ~ Slowly

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"This is not a great look," Scarlett said as she pulled on her ski jacket.
"Ski gear isn't a great look on anyone," Richard laughed, fastening his boots.
"Are these things made of rocks?" Scarlett asked, fiddling with her boots - not quite understanding how to fasten them.
"They aren't the most comfortable." Richard shook his head, before helping Scarlett put on her boots.
"Thank you dear," Scarlett laughed, and stood, forgetting that she had the ski boots on.
"Woah there -" Richard grinned as he held out his arm - which Scarlett grabbed, steadying herself.
"How are you even supposed to walk?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow, and Richard chuckled.
"Very slowly. Now stop complaining and follow me - very slowly."
Scarlett huffed and reluctantly followed Richard through the lodge.
About 10 minutes later, they had collected all the equipment, and Ava and Tom had caught up with them.
"How goes things?" Ava grinned, giving Scarlett a hug.
"Well, the boots are breaking my dancing feet, the clothing - if it can be called clothing - is extremely unflattering, even though most of it is pink, every time I try to walk I pretty much fall over, but apart from that - all is good."
"Great, great!" Ava rolled her eyes.
"So how goes things with Tom then?" Scarlett winked, and Ava laughed.
"Absolutely amazing! Apart from one thing though -"
"Go on,"
"He's a 'morning person'..." Ava whispered the phrase as though it was a curse - which, Scarlett supposed, in Ava's eyes, it was.
"Well you need someone that'll get you up so that's great!" Scarlett grinned, and Ava stuck out her tongue.
"Of course, of course." she mocked, as Richard and Tom rejoined them.
"Shall we?" Richard smiled, holding out his arm - which Scarlett took, nodding.
"Now or never," she smiled, and they walked out into the Swiss Alps.


"I cannot do this." Scarlett groaned as they stood at the top of one of the easiest slopes. "I cannot do this." she repeated, and Richard laughed.
"And why's that?"
"Because I can't."
"Not good enough."
"Look -" Scarlett pleaded, pointing down the slope.
"I'm looking,"
"It's really far."
"Come on - we'll go slowly." Richard laughed, grabbing Scarlett's hand. Before she could protest, they were slowly drifting down, and Scarlett grinned as the wind rushed through her hair. "What do you think?" Richard asked as they sped up a little.
"It's amazing -" Scarlett's grin widened, and they got a little faster again. "Hey! You said slow!" Scarlett wailed as they picked up speed, Richard laughed, guiding them down past the other skiers.
They quickly reached the bottom, and Richard yelled for Scarlett to turn, but she panicked and crashed into Richard as he turned - resulting in them both crashing into the snow.
"I'm sorry!" Scarlett panted as she attempted to get up, but Richard's arms closed around her middle. "I didn't hurt you - did I?" Scarlett laughed, and Richard shook his head. "What?" Scarlett asked, and Richard laughed. "What?" she asked again, but was interrupted by Richard pulling her into a kiss.


"Welcome to the big girl slopes," Ava joked, and Scarlett rolled her eyes. "This time you're going down on your own. Richard went with you every time - now you're flying solo."
"No, nope, nah, nada, na ah, not happening." Scarlett shook her head, and Richard laughed.
"Come on, it's just an easy one!" Ava grinned, and Scarlett shook her head.
"No. I can't - I'll fall over!" Scarlett moaned, but before she could say another word, Ava shoved her down, following behind in fits of laughter.


"So what do you think so far?" Richard asked. They were sitting in the ski lift, being carried up to another slope.
"So far so good, although I hate Ava for pushing me." Scarlett sulked, and Richard laughed. "Hey! Who's side are you on?" Scarlett scoffed, and Richard laughed again - causing the seat to wobble slightly. "Woah, careful! You'll break this thing," Scarlett laughed, and Richard began to rock the chair back and forth - ignoring Scarlett's protests.
Suddenly the lift jerked to a halt, and Scarlett shot a look at Richard, who now looked incredibly guilty.
"I told you you'd break it." Scarlett rolled her eyes, and Richard laughed.
"Many apologies." he said, and Scarlett laughed. "I can't believe it actually broke!" Richard chuckled, and Scarlett laughed.
"That was kind of unexpected,"
She was interrupted by an announcement over the speakers:
"Attention all skiers and snowboarders, we regret to inform you that a minor issue with the chair lift has arisen, and should be running as usual within the hour. Thank you for your patience."
Scarlett groaned and Richard looked offended.
"We've basically got an hour to ourselves and you're groaning?" he asked, and Scarlett shook her head, laughing.
"No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that," Scarlett laughed, and Richard put his arm around her shoulder.
"Good." he laughed, and Scarlett leant on him.
"So what are we going to do?" he asked, and Scarlett's eyes lit up.
"Well I don't know about you, but I am going to sing." she grinned, and Richard laughed.
"Really? Sing?" he questioned. "For a whole hour?"
"You underestimate me," Scarlett narrowed her eyes, and began singing all the songs from one of her and Tomm's current production. Richard couldn't quite figure out if it was Evita or Memphis - or a mixture of the two.
After a lot of singing, and over an hour later, Scarlett moved further to Richard, as the light was fading quickly, and dusk was turning into night.
"All that singing worn you out?" Richard joked, and Scarlett laughed.
"Yes, I suppose. That and the fact that it's getting a lot colder,"
"Are you cold? Here - take my coat -" Richard began to unzip his ski jacket, but Scarlett stopped him.
"No! You'll get hypothermia or something!"
"Oh come on, I doubt that.' Richard laughed, gesturing for Scarlett to move closer.
She snuggled into his now open jacket, which he wrapped around them both - their body heat keeping them warm.
Soon Scarlett found herself drifting off, and quickly fell fast asleep.

An Unexpected Meeting - Richard ArmitageWhere stories live. Discover now