Chapter 12

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When Endeavour arrived the blizzard was reaching the edge of the town. He looked around and huffed, holding his palms up he shot fire straight into it.

"Why the hell did you let it get this far?" He growled.

"We couldn't stop her or the storm." Aizawa huffed.

It took a while but eventually the storm around the town stopped, though thick snow covered everything.

"Which way?" Endeavour huffed.

"Up the mountain." All Might replied.

Endeavour started to stalk through the town, his boots melting the snow as he walked. All Might followed and Aizawa looked around.

"Iida, Uraraka and Midoriya you come with us, you're closer to her. Everyone else wait for the rescue teams."

"Yes sir!" Everyone yelled.

The three students ran after their teachers as they made their way up the mountain. All Might would punch the towards the sky to clear some of the clouds while Endeavour used his quirked to counter yours.

It was slow, but they soon made their way up, everything was covered in snow and ice.

"(Y/N)!" Midoriya called.

"She's long gone kid." Endeavour grumbled.

The three students slowly made their way around, carefully on what they were stepping on.

Uraraka searches one area, Iida took another, Midoriya took the final section while the heroes informed everyone else.

Midoriya went to step but stopped, he put his foot back down. Kneeling beside the lump of snow, he picked up something, it made his fingers feel super cold.

"G..guys..." he whispered.

Everyone came over, Aizawa knelt next to Midoriya bringing a hand up, he gently swept the snow away to reveal a face.

Midoriya screamed, Aizawa pushed him back and quickly covered the person back up again.

"She must have buried them." Aizawa mumbled.

"Are all these the monks...?" All Might asked.

"Yeah. Must be, which means that she buried them. But we don't know who she's after or where she went, let alone who did this."

Aizawa stood up, helping the green haired teen back up, they stood there unsure as to what to do.

"S..sir.. if we want to find her why don't we follow that." Uraraka said, pointing up.

They followed where she was pointing, dark clouds were swirling around bringing a furious storm with it in the distance.

"That would do it. Let's go."

Everyone started to run towards it, they kept loosing track, sometimes it would die down, and other times it would return ten fold.

"We're running around in circles!" Iida panted.

"We need a different way." Endeavour nodded.

Everyone stopped, keeping their eyes on the distance. Midoriya felt like if he blinked the storm would die down again and they'd loose you once more.

"Holy shit, look at this tree." All Might said.

They turned to it, it was practically broken in half and encased in ice.

"We need to bring her in now, she's going to hurt someone." Endeavour said.

"She wouldn't! She refuses to fight people let alone hurt them!" Midoriya yelled.

Endeavour snarled, pointing to the dark clouds with a glare.

"You think she really cares about that right now? She's got a one track mind and by the looks of things she's taking anyone in her way down."

"She won't!"

"Stop believing in those lies! Look at this power!" Endeavour yelled.

"I know (Y/N) won't hurt anyone she's a good person!"

With that, Midoriya raced ahead of the group before they could stop him, all that was left was a trial of green lightening that quickly faded.

Once more, the temperature was dropping, it was enough to nearly make him stop but he kept going, coming face to face with the wall of snow that was preventing him from making it in.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled, tears filling his vision

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