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A few weeks had passed, your antlers were covered int flowers meaning winter had melted into spring, bringing life back into the world but nothing but sadness well your heart.

Laying in a soft patch of grass but the remains of the monastery, you sighed softly as you over looked the world.

"You're so filled with sadness, why not go back?"

You turned to find the fox of luck, Lucky, and the Raven of intelligence, rose, next to you.

"Because gods don't belong in a human world."

"But why put yourself through this sadness, this pain?" Rose asked.

"Because I can't go back... I should've made them all forget me... saved them the pain..."

"But you'd still feel it." She sighed.

You didn't reply, Lucky padded in front of you, his fox eyes peering into your deer ones as he frowned.

"Why not temporarily give up your god powers?"

"That's not possible."

"They don't call me the god of intelligence for nothing ya know!" Rose huffed, "of course I can do that!"

You perked up, going from deer back into human form so they copied. You bounced on the balls of your feet.

"Can you really do it?!"

"Course it'll only take a few hours."

"My antlers change with the seasons.. it'll be hard to explain that without those powers.."

"Then we'll just take away a fraction of them all!" Lucky grinned.

You grinned and nodded your head, all returning to the heavens. Other gods heard the news so they came to watch.

"Are you sure you want to do this? You just got them back." The water god asked.

"I am. I have one more mortal life left."

He nodded and left you go, you made your way to the middle where Rose started the procedure. It took a few hours, and was mildly painful but you did it.

When it was finished, you tried to use your powers to their full potential but you couldn't and everyone cheered.

And hand was placed on your shoulder and you came face to face with Lucky.

"Ya Ready?" He smiled.

You nodded, he took your down the the school gates where the students were. It looked like they had just returned from a trip.

"Good luck!" He winked before leaving.

You bit back your nerves, and slowly started walking. No one noticed until you got closer.

"No way..." Kirishima whispered.

"What shitty hair!?" Bakugo snapped.

The boy just pointed and everyone turned to face you. Before you could react you were tackled to the floor by a flash of green.

"I.. I thought you couldn't come back..?" He cried.

"I.. I found a way.."

He sniffled and held you for a little bit longer before getting up. You hugged the others who came to greet you and finally bowed your head at everyone.

"I'm sorry for all the pain I caused."

A hand was placed on your head making you look up. All Might smiled brightly and Aizawa gave a softer smile.

"It's fine found hero, as long as you're safe." All Might smiled.

Everyone was ushered back to class after nearly 30 minutes, but you took Midoriya's hand stopping him.

You connected eyes with him and smiled brightly, still holding his hand.

"I.. I spent all my life times with you Midoriya... and I want to spend this one with you too. I want to become a great hero along side of you! And live my last mortal life by your side!"

You reached out and hugged him tightly, tears welling in your eyes as you did.

"You're my sun on a cold winter day Midoriya... I didn't want to leave you..."

It's like the warm sun on a winters day (Deku x reader) Where stories live. Discover now