Part 8

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Alice's Pov-

Did they really just have- How does that even work.

Deena comes down the stairs In Sam's hoodie. Deena smirks at Sam. 

"Hey Lady killer," Kate says to deena.

"I don't want any jokes being made. What happens, Happens," Deena says.

Simon chuckles.

"At least we put a sock on the door," Sam says.

I laugh.

"Hey Sam, Can we talk," I ask.

"Sure," Sam says. We walk into my room to talk.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Sam asks me.

"How did you know you were-," I say.

"Gay?" Asks Sam.

"Yeah," I say.

"Well I didn't really know tell I met Deena," Sam says.

"How did you meet?" I ask.

Sam sits on the floor. I sit down too.

"Storytime-," Sam says.

I laugh.

"Okay so we met because I was the new girl and I was so mezmorized by her I tripped," Sam explains.

I giggle

"And she helped me pickup my books. Later I went to the bathroom and some girls were laughing and calling her bad names for being gay, And the girls left and then I kissed her," Sam says.

"I think I may be gay-" I say.

"Okay, I know we haven't exactly know each other but I'm always here to talks," Sam smiles.

We leave the room. And the people are quite. 

"You didn't hear that right?" I ask.

Deena looks at Kate, Simon looks at Cindy and then they all look at me.

"Yes," Says josh. Everyone looks at josh.

" Well while we are at it I'm Bisexual," Simon says.

"Bi-sexual?" I ask.

"Yes  I like boys and girls," Simon explains.

I Take a deep breath. Cindy looks at me weirdly. Is she okay?

"Okay well good to know, Guess we are all a little gay," I joke.

Everyone laughs but Cindy laughs really awkwardly. It goes quite.

"WHO wants pizza?" Josh asks.

"Me!," Sam says.

"Hello can I have- 3 Pizzas and 3 orders of breadsticks," Josh says on the phone.

Simon mouths C O L A

"And Three, two liter bottles of coke," Josh says.

We all chill in the living room.

"Wanna watch the goonies?" Asks Kate.

"Whats that?" I ask.

"OMG WE HAVE TO WATCH IT, IT's LIKE US," Kate screams.

Simon turns the tv on and puts the goonies on. .

*Ding Dong*

Deena opens the door. She takes the food.

"WHO WANTS FOOOOD," Yelled Deena

We all grab food and shove it in our mouths. We all laugh. Cindy looks at us weirdly. 

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