Part 1

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A/N- Hello! This is a fear street fan fic, It will basically be if Simon and Kate came back from the dead after the curse.

*At the mall around the tree*

*Ziggy's pov-*

Sam has her arm around Deena shoulders. Sam is limping but is walking towards us.

We hear this loud noise and I start to feel dizzy. I pass out. 

My eyes open, I'm very dizzy. I sit up and see everyone laying down passed out. I run over to Sam and Deena.

"Wake up," I say. I nudged Deena.

"Hello?" I scream.

I hear foot steps. I look behind me and there is two people walking towards me, it is unclear who they are. I start crawling towards one of the stores.

"Sam, Wake up," Deena says.

"Mhhhh," Sam groans.

I see deena pick up sam. 

"Hello," A male voice says.

"Simon?" Sam mumbles.

"What- what did you say?" Deena asks.

Sam points to the two people. One is a tall scrawny male with a blue shreded up cardgin. And one is a short girl with bloody overalls.

Who is simon? I wonder. I walk out of one of the stores and walk towards sam and deena.

The small girl is looking around looking for something' or someone.

"DEENA," Josh screams.

The small girl starts walking towards the screaming boy. 

Deena walks toward the tall boy. Sam Jumps out of Deena's arms. Sam runs to the boy.

"Hey loser," The teenage boy says. He starts to cry.

Sam hugs the boy.

"We won," Sam says.

"I know," Says the boy.

Deena runs over and hugs them.

"Hey Simon," Deena says.

"Hey-" Says simon.

They all start to cry. 

"Josh-" The small girl yells.

"K-Kate," Josh locks eyes with the girl.

Josh gets up and hugs the girl. He looks in her eyes. 

"Don't ever die again," Josh says. 

"Okay," says the girl.

They walk over to the group of kids hugging.

Sam walks over to kate

"Thank you," Sam says. Sam hugs kate.

"Hey lady killer," the girl says.'

"Hey," Deena says with a smile.

"Okay so what happened and whos this," The tall boy looks at me.

"Okay so this is Ziggy otherwise known as C.Berman-" Deena explains.

"So this is the famous C.Berman," The smaller girl says,"I'm kate".

"Nice to meet you," I say.

"The mysterious survivor of the "Killing spree" at camp nightwing," The boy says,"I'm simon".

"Yup that's who I am," I say.

Deena explains what happened after the two died. 

"Goode is evil," Says martin.

"Who is this," Asks simon.

"Only the most awesome dude ever, Besides you," Josh says.

Josh and this dude do a hand shake and a little dance.

"I'm Martin," Says the man.

"Cool I'm simon and this is kate," Simon says. Kate waves hello.

"Everyone thinks your dead, What do we do about that?" Asks sam.

"I think we should explain to our parents" Kate says.

"But- what if they don't believe?" Sam asks.

"They have too," Josh says. "They saw your bodies and now your alive their isnt an explanation that can answer this". 


Sam's Pov- 

"What if we all move away from this town and start a new life?" I suggest.

"Away from this. Sunnyvale, Shadyside" Simon says.

"Once a shadysider always a shadysider," Josh says. 

We all nod.

"ZIggy? You can buy a house away from this cursed place and we all live their. You can bring your dog,  We aren't fogetting alice, or cindy, or joan" Deena says.

"I- Okay, I have been saving up," Ziggy says.

"Hey lady killer," I say to Deena.

"Hey love," Deena says back.

I put my arms around her, I lay my head on her shoulder and start to sway.

"You did it," I say.

"We did it, Simon, Kate, Josh, you, Ziggy, Alice, Cindy, Martin, Everyone," Deena says

"Okay Simon and Kate, You guys will stay at Deena and Josh's Place with us" I say.

We walk out of the mall and go to Deena's car.

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