Part 12

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Deena's Pov-

I go upstairs and knock on Cindy and Alice's door.

"One minute, "Cindy says.  Cindy opens the door.

"Whats's up?" Alice asks.

"Me and sam wanted to know if you guys want to go to a double date with us, Movie and dinner," I ask.

"But what about curfew and can't leave the house," Cindy asks. 

"We have a plan it'll be okay," I say.

"Yes let's go," Alice says. Cindy looks at alice.

"It'll be fun," Alice says.

"Fine, We will go," Cindy asks.

"YES I love you," Alice says.

"Okay meet us in our room in 15 minutes," I say.

I walk  into our room. 

"They said yes," I say.

"Awesome," Sam says.

I take my shirt off and go into the closet and grab this sweatshirt the one she bought me.

*knock knock*

"Come in," 

Al and cindy walk in.

"Okay here's the plan, We get simon to pretend sick in about 5 mins and then we sneak out the back door when ziggy is making sure he is okay," Sam says.

"Hope it works, Simon is a mediocre actor," I say.

We walk out side of their room and go downstairs.  We hear simon throwing up. Ziggy rushs to make sure he is okay. He runs to the bathroom and "pukes" we sneak out of the house and run to Deena's car and get in. We drive to this mexican restraunt. We get out.

"Hello How many?" The hostess asks.

"4 Please," Alice says.

We follow the hostess to our spot. we sit down. 

"Hi, My name is Vanessa What can I start you with?" The waiter asks.  

"A coke," Sam asks.

"Water," Cindy says.

"Dr.pepper," I say.

"Coke as well," Alice says.

"Okay Ill get those started," The waitress says.

"What movies do you guys want to see?" Al asks.

"I heard the Truman show was good," I say.

"Okay sounds good," Alice says.

"Here is your drinks.


After food*

"Okay lets go," Cindy says.

We leave the restraunt and go to the movie theater in the mall.

"How many tickets and which movie," The person asks.

"Four for truman show," I ask.

"Okay," The person hands the tickets. We walk in.

"Let's get popcorn," Alice says.

"And candy," Sam says.

Sam and alice run to the food stand.

"Two large popcorns extra butter, And 2 Large cokes and 5 boxes of candy," Sam says.

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