Chapter 13 : A Princess In A Flimsy Dress

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A / N: Hi! As some people had noticed, I changed the title of this chapter from 'Officially Mine, Officially Yours' to 'A Princess In A Flimsy Dress' this 16th of September, 2021. I find the new chapter title cute and the last one doesn't give any vibes than how the new title gave me. That's all, lots of love <3!


still Armin's POV

"Do you like it Armin?"

I didn't answer. My mouth agape as I stared at what's in view. We're standing on a rocky ground that if you walk farther until to the edge of it, there's the rocky sliding which down the sliding leads to the wide, deep and salty water. The water glistening because of the ship lights reflecting on, ship and boat lights across from afar surrounding the edge of the salty water based from our sight.

Above us is the sky, filled with stars and the moon illuminating us both. A table for two is placed on a not-much rocky ground. The table and chairs are covered by a white cloth, with candles and petals surrounding it, illuminating a yellowish light which gives off a romantic vibe.

I turned to look at Levi who is standing beside me, sight-seeing as well.

"What... I... How..." I continued mumbling out incoherent phrases until Levi decided to cut me off with his mouth. Placing a soft kiss on my lips using his equally soft lips, he smiled.

"I'll just assume that you like it. Hisu helped me with this, the girl who you got jealous at. I'm talking and was always with her because she's good at these things. Hange together with Eren, Mikasa, and the others also helped setting this up."

I couldn't speak. I got jealous over something that isn't even something to be jealous about. Levi took my hand and led me to the table, pulling the chair for me. When I had my ass planted on the chair, he took foods out of a container. He returned to the table with two plates containing lasagna. He settled the plates in front of me and his seat. He also took a bottle of wine before he sat down on his chair. He smiled at me when he saw me watching him.

"Sorry..." He looked at me in confusion. I clicked my tongue and looked away. "I overreacted. Sorry about that."

He flashed me a small that would put Apollo to shame. I think I just got blinded. "It's okay. Let's start eating now."

I took the cutlery in my hands and took a slice of the dish before eating it. The taste of tomato, meat, the sauces and cheese bursted in my mouth. This tastes familiar.

"Fuck. I got so busy that I haven't even prepared my fucking papers yet for resigning," he stabbed his food and ate it. He reminded me of a child in tantrum. I let a small almost unnoticeable smile paint my lips at the sight.

"Have you thought of what you're going to work as?" I asked. Levi looked up at me from his plate and looked away. After, he looked back at me and spoke. "I'm thinking of being a good fucking psychiatrist."

Levi returned to his bored face as I bursted into laughter. "Who would've thought!" I exclaimed, before I stopped laughing and ate another slice, the smile of mine still drawn on my face.

"How about you, Armin? What're you going to work as?" The question made me think, I haven't even thought of it for awhile.

"Maybe, just maybe, I'll be working as a teacher. I'm not sure of it though," I chuckle.

We left the topic and continued eating in silence, the waves crashing and the clanking of the utensils are the only sounds to be heard. Though, I chose to break the silence.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, making Levi caught off guard. His hand curled into a fist, before looking away.

"My mum, Kuchel, she' another country working as a doctor. My dad, well, he abandoned us. I don't fucking care about him. But between them, I'm more close to my mum. She always supported me...she..."

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