Chapter 16

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The Next Night

Right now it feels like things are just going to go down hill. I can feel it in my gut. It hurts me to know that Bria lost the baby. I can't even imagine how she feels, we are all grieving together really. Even though we didn't even meet the baby it's like he/she was already here, apart of us. On top of all that August is leaving after his show tonight. Then I'll feel alone, again. Although I am looking forward to next week to be meeting with Aaron, hopefully to get some luck on finding my long lost sister and mother.

I turned into the parking lot to Hallmark and parked my car. I slipped on my shades and stepped out of the car then hit the locks. I made my way over to the door and walked inside. On my search for the perfect card and get well items for Bria I was interrupted.

"Hey stranger..."

I swiftly turned to face Chris and smiled.

"Well hey. How are you?"

He leaned in for a hug and kissed my forehead. I playfully punched his chest and smirked.

"Ewww." I said goofy-like.

He smirked. "What? I got spit on you?"

I shook my head. "Nah, that was just weird."

"Like how? I kiss ya head all the time."

I shrugged. He stepped closer and gently placed his hand on my hip.

"Where you been though?"

I pushed his hand away.

"Just work..."

He placed his hand back on the same spot and pulled me towards him.

"How about you take a break from "work" and fuck with a nigga like me tonight?"

"Sorry but I can't..."

I pushed his chest with my finger. "Why is that?" He licked his lips.

"I thought we was just friends?"

"Who said was more?"

I stared at him for a while and cracked a smile.

"Don't play."


I let out a small chuckle and turned my head to the side. Chris leaned over to my ear.

"What you tryna do?"

I shivered when I felt his warm breath on my neck and I became stuck. He arm wrapped around me and he softly kissed my forehead then stepped away from me.

"I don't know why you won't stop playin with that nigga over there and just get with me. You know how I feel about you."

I raised my eyebrows at him. "What nigga?"


"Aug, so you know August?" I said getting defensive.

"I know of him..."

"Mmm." I looked him up and down.

"Mhm." He said while swinging his arms back and forth.

"It's funny to me how we always run into each other out nowhere, Chris."

He shrugged and looked away like he was waiting for someone. "Maybe it's fait ma."

I kept myself from smiling and just looked away.

"Hey I'm ready."

I quickly turned when I heard Sandre's voice.

"Bout time."

"Whatever Chris." She looked at me and smirked. "Well hello Annah."

"Hey Sandre I didn't know you worked here." I said motioning her uniform Hallmark shirt.

"Yea, I'm the manager."

I nodded my head. She looked at Chris and said: "You can wait for in the car. I'll be out in a minute."

He sighed and looked at her unsure. "Don't be taking forever either."

She rolled her eyes. He kissed my cheek.

"Aright ma."

I smirked at him then he left.

"If you need help finding anything then I will gladly help you."

"Oh nah it's fine your shift is over right?"

"No, it's just my lunch I'll stay just a few more minutes to help."

"But Chris is waiting for you."

She shrugged.

I just looked at her.

"You really don't want my help do you?"

"I mean you can I just don't want to ask too much."

"I'm offering you're not asking."

I didn't respond feeling a little awkward with the vibe I was getting from Sandre.


"Again, thanks for the help Sandre."

"No problem, so if you don't mind me asking, who is sick?"

"...oh my sister."

"What's wrong?"

"...just a really bad chest infection."

"Oh okay."

"Yea well I'm going to leave now."

"Me too."

We both walked to the door and she opened it for me letting me walk out first. I frowned a bit but ignored it.

"Where is Chris?" I asked, not seeing his car anywhere.

"I guess he really wasn't playin. Oh well."

"Want me to drop you off somewhere?"

"Nah it's all good just go ahead."

"You sure?"

She nodded.

"Well okay. Bye."

She waved and I walked to my car and hit the locks.

I spent a few hours with Bria at the hospital then made my way home. After all I worked all morning and haven't been off my feet at all. August's show is in an hour which I promised him I'd come to so that's what I'm going to do to support him.
Small update

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